
We use computers to store our data, calculation of numbers, retrieving of the data, etc. The main concept of designing a computer system is storing. To do so, there is a memory storage area. There are different aspects and hardware components to help in storage of the data such as main memory, RAM, ROM, Cache, and many more divisions in it. Some of them are volatile memory storage that means, data that is not saved is lost on any power fluctuations, and some are non-volatile which means data is permanent. To manage all these aspects and to enable CPU...

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This is the world of growing technologies. You can’t even expect how the things that are emerging out now a days. From a simple calculator to a robot, our technology has increased vastly. Animations are the main aspect that is taking new turns and features to make the movie, digital world more interesting. You might have already heard about the 3D glasses technology. Now a days some of the movies are displayed using this technology to make the viewers feel the presence in the environment of that of the movie. For this, you are provided with the 3D glasses...

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Today websites are the most happening things in the world for all of our uses. To just display the information of your company, a static website is enough and can be built using just HTML, and if you want to beautify it, you can use Bootstrap, CSS, etc. But if you want to make your site interactive, responsive to the client’s requests then you need to use some programming concept in this. Adding to programming to the web designing is done using a programming language called JavaScript whose roots are extracted from the Java. For some scenarios such as...

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These days with more and more populations being dependent on computers, the need for best and better antivirus is increasing day-by-day. Harmful Trojans, malware and viruses affect the working of your PC and in such cases; the presence of perfect software might protect it from getting corrupt. Given below is a list of top ten Antivirus to help you save your computer files. 1)Bit Defender Antivirus plus It is the best antivirus, and it has the golden award of THE PRODUCT OF THE YEAR. It has great technology, and it has many antivirus removal...

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Top jQuery Dropdown Plugins

Users always look for something new on every website. They specify different functional requirements and website should be unambiguous, available, clear, easy to use, secure, etc. We, as web designers, always need to ensure that we fulfil the user’s requirements. One of those requirements is the clarity of the website. There may be pages and pages of content on your site, which make it look very messy. But you need to arrange them in such a way that users...

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SEO Problems for E-Commerce Websites

Why is SEO necessary for an E-Commerce website?

We use search engines to browse for something, so they provide more traffic of clients to lots of websites. Everyone is browsing to find what they need and get the list of sites that may help them to get the information they need. You can find several links to the sites available on the Internet...

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Social networking is a new way to explore creative ideas, share your moments and to connect with people all over the world. Social networking sites allow people to create, share, or exchange information, interests, ideas, and pictures or videos in virtual communities and networks. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. are some examples of social networking sites. Social networking sites are beneficial in the field of marketing. There are top 10 interesting social media sites according to statistics. These are as follows: 1. Facebook This is the most famous and entertaining social networking platform. Facebook has millions of active...

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  ‘To compute’ means to count or calculate. So, the literal meaning of ‘Computer’ is a counting machine or a calculator. The latest computers do more than just calculating. Computers can store information, analyses and arrange it, draw conclusions or give information as desired. They can handle large data and solve complicated problems. They are computers that can play chess, for bookings for train and airline services, keep accounts in stores and banks, draw pictures and reproduce music or visual programs. They have numerous practical uses, for example sending e-mail. Computers are not self-operative....

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Facebook is a new way to explore creative ideas, share your moments and to connect with people all over the world. Facebook allows people to create, share, or exchange information, pictures, videos and documents in networks. It provides a platform to provide information and to connect with family and friends all over the world.

There are some reasons that you should not use social networks like Facebook. Some people are very addicted to Facebook, and they can’t imagine their life...

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Cloud is a model where users have a convenient, on-demand access to a shared pool of resources, such as servers, storage, and applications, over the internet. Cloud computing has several definitions. According to National Institute of Service and Technology (NIST), the five salient features of the cloud are as follows: 1.  On-demand self-service: A customer can set up computing capabilities, automatically without having any direct communication with the service provider. 2. Network access: Services are available on the network and access through simple mechanisms used by various devices such as tablets, mobile phones,...

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