Big data is a relative term. If big data refers to the “volume” of transactions and transaction history, then hundreds of terabytes may be considered “big data” for a company and amount of logs in petabytes may be considered small for a government agency.
So what is Big Data?
Big data refers to the massive datasets that are collect from a variety of data sources for business needs to reveal new insights for optimized decision making. According to IBM sources, e-business and consumer life create 2.5 exabytes of data per day. The Big Data Analytics...
An operating system is an important part of almost every computer system. It provides an environment to run user programs. It also performs basic tasks like input and output management i.e. it helps in using a structure in an efficient manner.
Any computer system has four different components:
1. The hardware
2. The operating system
3. The users
4. The application programs (Compilers, database, video games, business programs)
Hardware is available in the inner area. Operating System is at the outer level to that of hardware. Application programs are...
Doung Cutting joined Yahoo in 2006, and he retained the word Nutch for the web crawler portion of the project. He named the storage and distributed processing portion of the project as Hadoop (Doung’s son’s toy element). In 2008, Yahoo released Hadoop as an open source project. Today, Hadoop is developed as a framework for a non-profit organization Apache Software Foundation (ASF), a global community for a software developer.
What is Hadoop?
Apache Hadoop is a Java programming based framework that allows processing of data across clusters of commodity computers using a simple programming...
Formerly digital computers were large, expensive devices, now the size and shape of these machines are become different in past few years due to this new device “Microprocessor”. The microprocessor is an integrated circuit that contains processing capabilities of a big computer; it is a small programmable device. There are many companies which are manufacturing this microprocessor chips in different technologies and different world length. Some companies of the microprocessor are Intel, Motorola, Zilog, and Toshiba. What is a Microprocessor? The Microprocessor is a semiconductor, multipurpose, programmable logic device that reads binary instructions from a storage device known as a memory,...
Read moreThings you need to know about UX Design
We see many websites on the Internet according to our usage. There are huge numbers of websites available for a single purpose. For example, we browse for shopping purposes only; we can go to websites such as Flipkart, Amazon, Ebay, etc. We browse on many sites, and finally, we choose one website which suits our needs. However, not all websites are efficient, and not all clients will like them. But the sites that attract the...
Read moreUseful WordPress Plug-ins for a Perfect SEO
This is the world of the Internet. Everything you want is available on the web. It may be for entertainment purpose or knowledge, studies, current affairs, history, etc. You get everything by doing simple clicks. We use search engines to browse for something, so they provide more traffic to lots of websites. Everyone browses what they want and get the list of sites that may help them in providing the information they need. Each and every topic on the Internet has many sites available,...
Read moreData mining is the process of discovering relationships and patterns in the data. It is mainly used in business, which helps them to take better business decisions. Various fields of industries are using Data mining these days. There are many changes done and need to be implemented in these fields, though huge numbers of commercial data mining systems are available today. Today we are going to learn about the trends and its applications.
Here is the list of the Data Mining Applications in diverse areas
Financial Data Analysis
The data that enables data mining and analysis of...
To create a simple website HTML, CSS, jQuery, JS, etc. are enough. But for large businesses, industries and organizations these websites are not enough for their products. Their sites need to be transactional, secure, reliable, flexible, and available at each point of time. For such kind of businesses web applications and enterprise applications need to be developed. There are many technologies and frameworks that are developed to build a web application. Among many Struts2 has become the mostly used framework for web applications. This is based on MVC architecture. M- Model, V- view, C- controller.
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Now-a-days all of us use smart phones of different operating systems such as Windows, Android, IOS, etc. Many of us use the Android phones as it is easy to use, flexible, easily understood, etc. Have you ever thought of what the origin of Android is and how it works? Not only enjoying the features of it but we also need to know about it. Today let us get to know more about Android.
For mobile devices such as tablet computers, smart phones, an Operating system is used which is an open-source and based on...
There are many websites available on the Internet. Not all the sites are good. A website needs to have many features and key factors to be called as the Best website. It must be a good looking, easy to understand and navigate, attractive, flexible, great user experience, interactive, reliable, secure, fast loading, unambiguous, etc. So, if you are new to web designing and want to create a website to show off your business, you need to create a website by taking key factors and attractive elements of any existing website. Though there are many languages to build a...
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