
Images speak more than words. You can use fewer words and explain more by using an image. This is the reason images are wide used in many websites. To abstract the content and also to fulfill the purpose of the website Images are used. Web designers need many images to be there on their site as an album for e-commerce sites such as Amazon, Flipkart, etc. image gallery is the main aspect of the website. To decorate and optimize your websites, jQuery provides Image Gallery plugins, so that not much code is necessary. Just including that plugin is enough. Among...

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  A system which is fixed in programmable or capability that is designed to serve a specific function is known as embedded systems. It is the combination of both the computer software and hardware. Embedded systems have some myriad possible hosts such as cameras, Industrial machines, household appliances, PDA, airplanes, medical equipment, vending machines, automobiles, toys and obviously the cellular phones. Programmable units of embedded systems are provided with some programming interfaces. Now-a-days embedded systems have grown very rapidly and are evolving. Hence embedded systems programming has become one of the interesting and specialized occupation. Read more

In today’s generation, nothing is possible without the Internet. From shopping to social media, anything and everything are possible with the help of the internet, but internet works with the help of web browsers. So, to select the best browser in every aspect, we have provided you with a list of top ten web browsers. The list is as follows: 1) Google Chrome It is a very famous browser these days among youngsters. It is fast browser, and it focuses on the performance of web applications. Hundreds of useful extensions can be downloaded easily...

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10 things you should decide before you start your website

1. A goal has to be set. Before you move on to launch a website, decide what is the need for it. What help will it be to the netizens? How much will it affect your business? The purpose of building the website should reflect in every page. If it is to spread knowledge or for advertisement, the focus should be unmoved. The initial steps of website building have a lot to do...

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20 things you should know before purchasing online

Online shopping has now turned into a real-life shopping experience. Some sites offer bargaining options. There are a plethora of choices in every category, and you can browse through them quickly. A variety of payment options is available, and the shipment of goods is safe and quick. That leaves you with little to do. Still, there are some things you have to keep in mind so that you do not regret the experience. You can...

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  If you are a geek, the possession of these products will surely style you up. These tech toys are so cool that you can feel the hair on the back of your neck standing. They can be tagged as cute and portable lifestyle products. Not that you cannot do without them, but a little swag never hurt. And if you are willing to loosen out some big bucks, get ready to be called Mayor of Techie-town. 1)  Wireless key finder: It is time to move past the last-minute hunt for car keys. If you...

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  A very powerful concept to ensure    anonymity over the web, to protect your precious privacy, and to bypass restrictions on the internet is The Amnesic Incognito Live System i.e. Tails. The prime focus here is your security. It sounds stealthy; that's because it is. It will allow you to wiggle your way through various internet blocks without raising suspicion unless you particularly ask for revelation.   This OS can run from a bootable live CD, pen drive or even an SD card and has no connection to the real user's identity or location. Read more

  SEO is the abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization, which is a marketing technique where we aim at increasing the websites visibility on result pages of popular search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. When you hit relevant keywords on the search bar, the link to your website should appear as higher on the page as possible. These search engines are supposed to be unpaid and natural, i.e. organic. They do not charge you anything for advertisement of your site. We can achieve this by understanding how search engines operate. Then we may add smooth and catchy elements on...

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Let's begin by safely stating; Hacking is like robbery while phishing can be equated with conning.

As expected, the term Phishing has been inspired from fishing because the concept of throwing a bait is used in this. While you are trying to browse through some website, if a third party camouflaged like a trustworthy entity seeks to avail   valuable information, like credit card number, passwords, IDs, etc. mostly for malicious activities; that will be considered as phishing. Naïve users over the...

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  Project Glass: It was available to only the US developers, back in 2014. There have been other head-mounted displays. But, Google glass is chic, slim and small. There was a massive hype over this great innovation by Google all over the physical and electronic media. A lot of privacy issues cropped up. You wouldn't want your conversations to be recorded by a bespectacled guy right next to you. Concerns like, overuse of the glassware during critical activities like driving. The Wi-Fi being too close to the head also posed a possible medical threat. So, it was a flop. But there...

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