

I have forgotten my router’s username and password. Please help me to reset my Router. Have any way to reset them?

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Algorithm is a set of computational procedures to solve a problem which has five main components -

Input - Algorithm must take some inputs

Output - It must be able to produce atleast one output

Definiteness - Each step of the algorithm must achieve a definite result.

Finiteness - Algorithm must end at finite number of steps.

Effectiveness - Algorithm must be effective to achieve the target it is designed for.

Why do we analyze an algorithm?

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All of you are familiar with Exception meaning. Exception is an event that makes anything to terminate abnormally. In java, exception is said to occur when a program terminates abnormally. Of course, no one wants to end their application to stop unexpectedly so handling of these exceptions is necessary. There are three types of exceptions in java:These exceptions and errors are elements of throwable class. Unchecked exceptions- Unchecked exceptions are those exceptions that are not recognized by compiler at compile time but checked by JVM at runtime, for example, arithmetic exception, array out...

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A program that manipulates plain text (ASCII) is called text editor. When you are working on a UNIX or Linux based system, whether you use GUI or CUI, if you use terminal to insert commands, editors are going to be your helping assistant. There are several different text editors available in UNIX and LINUX based system for the use of creation and modification of files. The three most popular text editors are: Emacs, Pico and VI. Using these editors you can code in any language that the computer will be able to understand and execute. Let’s have an eye...

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  Apple, a product with millions of users, a product which has a deep place in the heart of everyone whether they have it or just dream about it. What makes Apple so desirable for everyone that even it's high price fails to stop it being most lovable product of all humans? Come on with us to understand intoxicating fragrance of Apple: Steve-the father: First reason of Apple being a leading brand is Steve himself. His dedication for Apple, dreams of staying ahead and creating amazing products and with best hardware and software took Apple beyond all competitions. Read more

  When we think of the battle for the best operating system, a continuous struggle between Windows and Linux comes in mind. Before we dive into deep blue sea of features of these OSs, let’s have just a brief introduction of them. Linux is open source, secure and less user friendly OS developed by Linus Torvalds, Windows is user friendly, costly and comparatively slow OS developed by Microsoft. As we are seeing here that there are few goodness and badness in both of these OS, then what made them to stand in the race of  world’s powerful OS? Read more

A Linux distribution is a collection of open source (usually) software which sits on top of a Linux kernel. A distribution or distro can bundle system management tools, server software, documentation and many other desktop applications in a central secure software repository and aims to provide a common feel, look, secure and easy software management. Red Hat Linux is a distribution of Linux, developed by Red Hat, a billion dollar commercial Linux Company, which is known for their excellent support to the users. The company has hundreds of Linux specialists who put excellent support in developing Linux. If you are...

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I'm using Windows 10. I opened Movie Maker and selected "add photos and videos". I selected a file I have in my Pictures folder. When I created that file, I put all photos in order of "date taken - ascending" When I open it in Movie Maker, the photos are out of order. How can I copy the file exactly as I have it saved in my Pictures file?

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Few Unique and Interesting Features of OS X El Capitan

Mac’s latest OS El Capitan was released on September 30, 2015, with new features and improved designs. El Capitan is actually a very famous rock formation and landmark, located in Yosemite National Park. This rock was the motivation behind the name of the new OS X. The two major areas on which Apple focused in this version are performance and user experience. El Capitan...

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The Shell Interface for Linux

For those users who are not using the X Window System, the Shell is a very important part of Linux OS. The Shell provides the interface between the users and kernel of Linux OS so that users can run their programs. The Shell is a command-line interpreter. It may be used to start, stop, suspend or even write programs. There are many types of Shells, some of which we are going to discuss here:

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