Technology is a type of invention which is useful for a human being to survive in their day-to-day life. New technologies are making the survival of human entity easier than before. It is continuously growing up and developing new devices, gadgets, machinery, etc. which is necessary to get the casual lifestyle. As in the ancient world survival of humans was harder as compared to our present life. Let us suppose an example of Smartphone, it is helpful for all of us, we can’t imagine our daily life without Smartphone, and especially youngsters are more dependent on them. They need their...
Read moreIn 1941 the science fiction writer and futurist Isaac Asimov first used the word ‘robotics’ mean slave or servant to describe the new technology and to predict the rise of powerful industry. George Devol discovered the first digitally operated and programmable robot of the world, “UNIMATE”. In 1961 the first digital robot Unimate went online in a General Motors automobile factory in “New Jersey,” and the journey of the robotic world started. By using different types of technologies and ideas scientist developed different machines called the robot.
We can define a robot as...
We are going to talk about some portable and unique gadgets that you can buy online but people believe they do not exist. The list is going to be pretty informative and here it begins:-
1. GoCool Semi Truck or Car Air Conditioner(Portable)
When there is scorching heat inside the tends while camping we've always felt the lack of Air Conditioner but when Go Cool is at your rescue you do not have to worry. It is a simple device that either runs when plugged in the houses or by giving power supply from...
Here, we will be discussing some of those technologies that are gaining power that was earlier thought to be impossible. The list is quite amazing and here it begins:--
1. Metal Printing(3D)
Everyone has heard of 3d plastic printing whereas it is even new to some people. We could print various shapes of plastic components made out of plastic but it would be great if metal printing was made possible. It would be of sheer benefit if the ability to create intricate metal parts is acquired. This technique would help the manufacturing industries to...
How to fix Windows Update ERROR 8024000E
Read moreWhat is this Norton error 8504 5?
Read moreThe 5G technology is going to rule the nations with its mind-blowing internet connectivity even for very small to larger appliances that can be handled and controlled through internet facility. The many advantages of 5G are present, and here these are the top 10 exciting features of 5G technology in the coming future.
- Internet of things, IOT, will be seen with capabilities and will reach its connectivity even to supplies like refrigerators, lightings, and other devices of electrical and electronic connectivity. The true potentials of 5G will reveal itself in the future generations.
The world of playing games is getting modifiable and more adapting according to science and technology. With great innovations, come great ideas for developing games played by children and youngsters. Even the old generations like playing games on computers and video games for their leisure time. Today, development is seeing vividly, and games have taken the levels of playing in virtual reality. VR is a whole new world of playing that puts you into the game itself. Below are the top 10 VR games people and importantly the teenagers are thriving to play!
- Beat Saber
E-wastes are products that are thrown away as electronic waste or are nearing their usefulness period. To take examples, computer gadgets, televisions, CD’s, remote controls and lot more. Depending upon the condition and its density, the appliance is sometimes considered hazardous to the environment. The top 10 E-wastes of this decade are listed below in a brief description.
I am getting this error constantly. Why is this error occurring? How can I fix this error 0x8000405?