
What is the new feature, server deployment of windows update server 2012 r2 is?

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Hi, I am Riya. How to enable windows to update on the server 2012 automatically? Can you explain the procedure step by step?

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Hi, I have wanted to create a Microsoft account as part of a company requirement. I am not familiar with any other alternative emails except Gmail. If someone can give me instructions for how to do Microsoft new account sign up, I would appreciate it. Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.

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Hello, I am a beginner in programming and would like to start by learning more about C#. I need software to execute C# programs for Windows 10. Please tell me which ones can be used and how to install the software. Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.

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Hi, I have an emergency that occurred on my computer. I had installed Microsoft Net Framework recently. An unexpected Microsoft Net Framework error popped up, and I am clueless as to how to resolve the issue. I would like to know how this can be done and if there is an easy way to do so. Thanks in advance.

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I was installing the Microsoft office suite and was shown the option of Microsoft Office click to run, can anyone help me out with this issue that what should I do next to install the suite in my laptop.

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I used the Microsoft office suite but found it hard to use, can anyone tell me about other Microsoft Office Alternatives which help me in my work.

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I have bought a new laptop and have saw the inbuilt Microsoft office. Can anyone tell me about the Microsoft Office Applications, so that it will be easy for me to operate the office?

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Hello. I was converting formats of some of my images, but I was facing problems converting BITMAP to JPEG. So, please tell me How to Convert BITMAP to JPEG? Reply as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.

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Hi. I’m a non-IT person, and I have to Connect to WSUS Server. But I’m not able to connect it. Please tell me How to connect to the WSUS Server? Reply as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.

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