
Top 100 tips and tricks for Microsoft office 2010

  1. You can take screen shots of any application by the in-built “screen capture tool” in Microsoft Word 2010.
  2. It has an office web application as a tip.
  3. It has a screen clipping tool as well.
  4. It has a feature that allows you to remove the images on the background by making the background transparent.
  5. It has an outlook feature that shows you your experience. It can tell you if you are out of your quota. It can also show you if...

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CMS, its Features and Types With Comparison

What is a CMS?
CMS means Content Management System. It is used to manage and maintain the content of a website i.e. it enables a web administrator or a web author to create, delete, organize and edit web pages.
A CMS includes the functionalities of:
a) Content Creation:
  • Getting content from FTP or other tools
  • Aggregating information from RSS Feeds
  • Offering an easy-to-use editor like WYSIWYG
  • Templates and Tags system
b) Content Management
  • Workflow for authors, editors and administrators
  • Localized information, translation services
  • Personalized information based on user habits
c) Content Delivery

Cloud Computing, Its Need and Benefits

Cloud computing is a system for distribution of resources and technological advancements. It works with defined set of connections, software solution and services through the use of a secured network. This is a major achievement in information technology. Cloud computing is used where the client has to sort through massive amount of data in a very short time. So when we talk about cloud computing, we must understand the circumstances that led to this diverse yet very successful system. These factors included: 1) Ever expanding labor costs and charges. 2) High energy consumption charges. 3) Ever increasing...

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Amazing Services of Application Layer

An Application layer provides services to the user. It is the last layer of OSI model. It provides services like mail, access web, network management, file transfer and access etc.

  • One of the services of Application layer is Network virtual terminal .It allows users to log on to remote host. If we want to access any computer in the world, we first want to know what type of computer we will be connecting to. We must install specific terminal emulator used by that computer. Telnet (Terminal network) provides services such...

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Role of Active Directory Auditing in Security

Chalk it up to human nature, but it is all part of the job when you are running servers. Political scientists put it nicely when they ask, "Where and when does who gets what?" Who's logged on to which computer? Which resources are they requesting? This tracking and logging of who is accessing which resource from computers on the network is called auditing. Of course, we know there are all sorts of logging and auditing tools lying around. The problem doesn't lie in accessing the information, but rather picking out the useful bits....

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Internet Explorers Beyond Knowledge

In this Millennium time, all of the ideas and minds of the educators though neither beginners nor professionals mostly depends on this technology, through the internet. We read, research, play and explore everything. Oftentimes we found ourselves rely about everything and anything just to keep our work done easily.

Never thinking about a second thought about how we think deeply or to be able to explore our minds. We all have unique knowledge individually. Internet is only our tool for success. So we must be responsible about...

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A Comparison of Zipping Utilities

There was a time when storage space and bandwidth were precious commodities. So techniques were developed to compress data, by means of obscure algorithms and shoddily designed GUI's (if they are generous enough). Now we've all got broadband and terabyte hard disks. For the computer-literate in the 21st century, compression is mainly synonymous with video codecs, which are handled in a totally different way. There's the old archiving job, but the shell command that comes with the operating system handles it easily enough. So are zipping utilities going the way of the dinosaur?

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Windows XP Media Centre Edition

Windows XP Media Centre Edition is a program in the Microsoft Windows XP operating system which is specifically designed to play the role of a home entertainment hub.

A snapshot of the Windows XP Media Centre Edition 2005 History: The Windows XP Media Centre Edition came out in different versions. The first version was released in 2002 (Windows XP Media Centre Edition). It came with an FM radio feature. The second version was released in 2004 (Windows XP Media Centre Edition 2004). If you previously had Windows XP Media Centre, then Windows XP...

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Role of WINS in Networking

WINS stands for Windows Internet Name Server, a program (designed by Microsoft) that runs on NT servers and provides clients with a way of finding other computers operating on windows networks. It achieves this action by resolving the computers’ NetBIOS names to IP addresses so that the windows computers in a network can find each other and communicate easily. A distributed database is provided by WINS for registration and querying of dynamic NetBIOS names mappings to IP addresses on the network. This action eradicates use of broadcasts for purposes of resolving names hence eliminating the...

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Speech Recognition Software and Its Importance

Whether we think we know what speech recognition software is, or not, the chances are good that we all have interacted with this software at one time or another. It is often used in telephony systems, in order for a particular system or application to be controlled via spoken commands. The voice dialing function on your mobile phone is made possible by speech recognition software. The terms speech recognition and voice recognition are usually considered interchangeable, but technically they are not. Speech recognition is designed to recognize individual words, and perform a specific action...

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