
Computer networking device

A computer networking device is a component that helps in mediating data within a computer network. They may also be referred to as equipment, networking units or even intermediate systems. Some devices generate data and are known as data terminal equipment or hosts.

These devices include: Router This is a component whose function is to determine the best route of a network to forward the packets of data to their respective destination. This computer networking device redirects traffic in the internet. It is a micro-processor-controlled device connecting two or more data...

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Load Running 101 (Multi user access)

Load running is a process used when multiple users are accessing a single server; it is used to relieve the burden of load on the server. This process is supported by load runner software. Program running is a more common description for the said software program. Use of computers commonly involve overlapping of certain computer program and task performed by the computer. Computer programs are a sequence of commands encoded for a computer to perform particular tasks.

Execution of the program instructions makes the program functional with the help of...

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Networking concepts

A network is a connection of a number of computer and devices to facilitate the exchange of data. Networking is one of the most important features in the IT world; the concept facilitates sharing and communication thus promoting business as well as relations among a number of people. Before anyone thinks of, networking him or her to have the basic knowledge of the requirements and what it entails. These requirements are referred to as networking concepts.

In the connections or the network any one of the devices is assumed to be a node and...

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Motherboard (Central component that holds other components)

A motherboard is a central component that holds other components in a computer and also provides their related connectors as well as peripherals. The motherboard is also referred to as a system board or the mainboard. In some computers, like the Apple, it is known as logic board. Generally, a motherboard acts as a connection point for other components facilitating communication in the entire system.

The backpane also serves the same purpose, but the motherboard provides for additional features like connecting the Central Processing Units...

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IIS Versions for Your OS

IIS (Internet Information Services) is a web-based server application with extension modules for use with different versions of the Windows operating systems. It is a product of Microsoft and is the second most popular web server after Apache HTTP server. There are several IIS supported protocols like FTPS, FTP, NNTP, HTTP, HTTPS and SMTP which are supported by IIS 7.5

Major uses of this feature; why we need it

By definition, a web server is a computer(s) on the internet that hosts a website(s) and serves pages to viewers when they request a page; it serves...

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Computer hobbyists

The most common intruders of computer systems are the computer hobbyists and computer experts. They view unauthorized access as an irresistible intellectual game. Computer hobbyists are mostly known as "intruders", but this term is very wide. There are various types of computer hobbyists and include intruders as their commonly known computer hobbyists.

They push computer systems to their limits. They perform experiments to programs so as to discover other unmentioned features and capabilities that are not found in the system’s manuals.  Intruders modify computer systems to know their maximum performance,...

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Power supply units

This is a computer component responsible for supplying power to other components in the entire system. Power supply units do this, typically, by converting the general-purpose alternating power; which originates from the mains into a low voltage direct current power which can be used by other components in the computer.

There are some power supply units which contain a switch that controls voltage ranging from 150V to 230V, but other power supply units has built-in sensors that automatically switch voltages; accepting voltages between the limits. Majority of the power supply...

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Data Link Layer

The Data Link layer is basically use for transfer frame data from one node (hop) to next adjacent node. It’s a second layer of OSI model. Basically it takes data packets from network layer put a header and trailer make frames and send it to physical layer.

Data Link Layer has two sub layers:
  1. Logical Link Control (LLC)
  2. Multiple Access Control (MAC)
Logical Link Control Logical link control use for design and procedure for communication between two adjacent nodes means node to node communication. Its functions are Framing, flow and error control and software implementation protocol.

HTTP (Hyper Text Terminal language)

HTTP is a stateless protocol. It’s used to access data on World Wide Web (www). HTTP is use TCP port number 80 HTTP works from client request to server and server response to client.

HTTP operation: 1) The client opens a connection 2) Client send request to server that is http request 3) Server sends response to the client http response 3) Server closes connection. General scenario as described above is just client is request and server response. Sometimes there is no direct connection between the client and the server and there is one intermediate such as...

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Database Compression

In the world of today, IT service providers constantly face problems of storage space. Under these circumstances, administrators and users turn to database shrinking and compression. By this practice, limited storage space can be used efficiently. There are many ways to achieve this. There is software that accomplishes the same task and there are various commands in different servers that can do the same job.

For SQL 2008 R2 databases ‘DBCC SHRINKDATABASE’ can be used. All you have to do is, state the name of the database and state the target percentage compression. Read more