
Comparing the Two Giants in the World of Information Technology: MAC & Windows

Operating systems can be compared on the basis of their various features. In this article, we are going to make a comparison between Mac and Windows operating systems. First, let's see how a common user can differentiate these two operating systems. What Windows has that Mac doesn’t have?
  • Larger software directory.
  • Best for custom-built computers.
  • Lower cost when used on a customized PC.
Disadvantages of Windows versus Mac:
  • More prone to viruses, bugs, malwares, spywares and spam wares low stability as compared to Mac.
  • Costs more in the...

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Sites and Services in active directory

A site is one area of your arrangement with very high bandwidth connectivity, as well as, by description, a gathering of well-linked computers founded on IP subnets. The main idea of the Sites and Services of Active Directory 2003 snap-in is to control the duplication topology of activity surroundings, both inside a site in a LAN, as well as sites in a WAN.

  A site is divided in area from Active Directory 2003–based domains since a site can span numerous domains and a domain can...

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Technitium MAC Address ChangerWireless WEP Key Password SpyHotspot ShieldRoboForm password managerSystem Surveillance Pro

Computer has remained an important asset for individuals, professionals and organizations. The data carried by any PC is vital whether kept in an individual PC or commercial PC and security of that data has remained an issue for everyone. Several security provisions are available to protect data at large and small scale. These password protected encryption software always play an important role in protecting data from the world.

Technitium MAC Address Changer: Technitium MAC Address Changer is a software...

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ESX and ESXi all about it in VMWARE

VMware-ESXis one of the enterprise stage virtualization creation proposed by VMware. The ESX is of part of VMware's bigger proposing; VMware Infrastructure includes management as well as dependability services to the heart server manufactured goods.

ESX had been replaced by ESXi.VMware ESX as well as VMware ESXi are exposed metal embedded Hypervisors which are VMware's undertaking application. Hypervisors are designed for servers which run openly on the server hardware which do not require an extra underlie operating process. The essential server needs a number of shape of persistent...

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Types of SQL backup with details on their procedures

There are several methods by which SQL Backups can be created. These can include a complete set or a few data with some logs created for transaction. SQL backup methods are mostly the area of interest of Database Administrators (DBA) and System Administrators (SA).

SQL Servers are the repository used for storing data needed by several applications. These applications stores data in the repository and sometimes a situation may arise, the data storage may get failed and a...

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Cost benefits associated with cloud computing

Many people wonder what is it that propelled cloud computing to its current zenith? Technologists all over the world feel that economics have been the catalyst for the phenomenal growth of cloud computing and its adoption around the world. In 2011 it looks like a cloud is on the radar of the entire top notch Chief Information Officers or CIO across the globe. The biggest benefit of cloud that has been cited is cost savings but there is a way to maximize these savings. So how exactly can your business maximize the profit?...

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Cloud Computing Cost, Risk and ROI

The name cloud and cloud computing in itself has been able to garner a lot of interest amongst people. Those who were unaware of these terms where made acquainted with it after the announcement of iCloud by Apple. The main reason that brought the concept of cloud to the forefront of the cost savings attached with it. But over a period of time organizations have started deliberating on the ROI. What they essentially want is to transfer the non-critical IT jobs to the inexpensive cloud. But over a period of time companies have realized...

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Lotus Domino and Lotus Notes works as a Client-Server Architecture where Notes is the client software that will be installed on a user or client machine that connects to Domino for Server services. Although Notes is not the only client application type that can use Lotus Domino but it is also the prime domino client that offers the highest degree of flexibility and power to the users. There are two different types of Lotus Notes configuration which are as follows: 1. Standard Configured Notes will run in an Eclipse framework which includes...

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Lotus Domino is an IBM Server application program that is commonly used for enterprise e-mailing, scheduling, collaboration and messaging that can be deployed in a company as a core e-mail server which will be very helpful for them to enhance the productivity of their people. It works as a backbone of a simple and real-time work environment. Previously, Lotus Domino was named as Lotus Notes Server and it was the server component of Lotus Corporation's client-server messaging technology in the beginning. Lotus Domino renders the complete substructure required to create, test,...

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Digital Music Files and Compact disks: Can They Continue to Coexist?

Music plays a very important role in the entertainment industry.  It permeates every culture and every community worldwide.  With the advent of the internet, the recording and sharing of music has changed drastically.  Music formats such as the compact disc (or CD) is quickly giving way to digital music file formats such as MP3, WAV, WMA, and AAC.  Because of the increased demand, multinational companies and production houses are even built on commercial music.  This article will highlight MP3 music files in particular, and why they are fast...

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