1. Infosys
a. Infosys is one of the most popular and leading IT companies in today's corporate world, and Mr. N R Narayana Murthy founded it with some of the co-founders. b. It is an Indian multinational IT company that provides business consultancy and information services to all the users across India, and the main office was in Bangalore, India. It is also one of the most leading and active technical recruitment companies that recruit most of the technical candidates from the college itself and conducts many dynamic recruitment drives to recruit many candidates out of the campus. c. The training from... Read more1. Sundar Pichai
a. Pichai Sundararajan, better known as Sundar Pichai, who is an Indian-American business executive, was born on June 10, 1972, in Madras, India. b. He is the CEO of Alphabet Inc. and its subsidiary Google. c. Pichai joined google initially. d. He worked on the google search toolbar as a part of a small team. The toolbar gave the users of internet explorer easy access to google search. e. Pichai played a significant role in the ultimate launch of Google Chrome. f. He started appearing more often at google presentations and continued rising... Read moreThe food industry is one of the sectors that provide nutritious, delicious, and quality food to the people. It is the only industry which takes care of our taste and preferences. It also takes care of food safety and hygiene. On day-to-day basis, it provides a variety of food to other people. Human workers can't fulfill the demand by themselves. So, for this purpose, they use different machines and equipment.
Machines Used In The Food Industry
Slicer is the most commonly used machine. It is mainly used in butcher shops. It is also used in other industries to cut slices of... Read moreFarming is an important activity that affects almost every other related area. Farming is not merely an activity; it is the backbone of any country. When we talk about self-sufficient protein farming, it simply means that one can use the land for producing food. And biotechnology refers to using scientific tools and techniques in the agricultural sector to grow crops. Today we see that sometimes there is a shortage of food due to crop failure and other reasons which leads to inflation that is increasing in the price of food, vegetables, etc. By using biotechnology and Self sufficient...
Read moreToday in this fast-growing world, everything is done using technology. The technology we are using must be human-friendly. Being human friendly means the technology does not harm humans. When we talk about social robots, they must interact with humans and prove themselves as the most successful research in science. The interaction between humans and social robots is necessary to balance the ecosystem. Now the question arises of how will it happen? The answer is by using various types of senses that enable them to interact with humans.
Different Types Of Senses To Smoothen The Interaction Process
Following are different types of... Read moreIt is indeed that education is the most powerful weapon that can change the world. The only difference between a successful and an unsuccessful person is education. Today if we see the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic if, in such situations, if we do not have computer-based education then the student will not able to be educated. As, all the schools and colleges have been shut down due to COVID-19 and the education is been continuing online we can say that computer-based education is a boon to students. Also, it is not limited to syllabus and classroom; it is...
Read moreThe history of communication is quite interesting. There was a time when we used pigeons for communication. But the time change and with time this area has also developed. And today we have smartphones, 4G networks, and various tools and means of communication. This area is a developing area of key importance. Today we require communication in every field and our day-to-day life. Now the situation is that we don’t imagine our day-to-day activities without communication.
Types Of Communication Technology
Programming language lays the foundation of today’s technological world. In simple words, the programming language is the set of commands, and instructions that we give to devices. On receiving this command the machine performs a particular task. In the modern computer world, we have various programming languages on which the computer and other sites function. When the programming languages were developed, there were only a few languages, but today, we have more than five hundred languages. The history and evolution of language are pretty interesting that reflect the hard work and mysteries behind developing a language.
How Were The Languages... Read more
Hydrogen is one of the elements which is present in abundance on earth. The critical feature of hydrogen is that it provides an emissions-free transportation fuel. In addition to that, it is feasible, economically viable, easily converted to another energy form when combusted and safe, and harmless to the environment and living things. This key feature makes us think about hydrogen as the earth's future.
Benefits Of Hydrogen Energy
As we have abundant resources, hydrogen can produced from diverse resources. Its advantages also add to its value. It has several benefits such as:1. Renewable Energy
The first and foremost benefit of hydrogen... Read moreWhen we read the word social media, the first thing came in our mind is the platform or app we use the most in a day. I spend more than half time in WhatsApp. So, after listening the word social media, this app comes in my mind. Not only this, but many other platforms are there such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Many of us use these platforms. But, as cyber crimes are increasing day by day, privacy concerns over these platforms have also increased. The information we share on these contains personal information also. These activities may attract...
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