
Top 4 Instant Messengers

Instant messaging is a part of the daily life of almost all Internet users across the globe. This is so because of the fact that instant messengers such as Yahoo and Skype are offering features that speed up conveying of messages and files free or at low cost. Instant messaging connects people and enables them to see their friends on the other end live and clear. Means of communications are being continuously enhanced by the development of various instant messengers. The top messengers used by majority of Internet users and web mail account owners are the...

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Tips on Making Articles Better

Writing articles for websites, online employers or for promotional purposes is a really tough job. It may take several hours to complete just one great article, which may be classified as "better".  Well, in order to become a professionally successful, online article writer, you have to go through some guidelines or tips that are followed all over the world.

According to a recent survey, professional writers take almost half an hour to write a good article. So, if you want...

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Terminal Services are services that enable users to access computers remotely by allowing computers to execute desktop and other applications on a server as if they were running locally. These services involve allowing the client to act as the end recipient by providing user interface to the client side. The client responds by issuing instructions of tasks to be processed by the server. Terminal Services include support of terminal server which allows several users to log into the computer and access the desktop on the end server. This feature allows users to create, install and...

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Technical differences between SQL and Oracle

Oracle DB: Oracle Corp is the leading supplier for s/w products, headquartered in Redwood shores, California, USA. Now they have 43000 Employees in 150 countries. Oracle is the first s/w company to develop and deploy 100 % Internet-enabled enterprise Software. Oracle refers to the method used to create the graphical user interface rather than writing numerous lines of code to describe the appearance and location of interface elements. Oracle is fastest and easiest way to create application in MS windows with the ability to store and access data. Whether you are professional or new to...

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SQL-related Stored Procedures (SP)

Normally, a stored procedure is said to be an independent module of programming instructions accessible to submissions getting into a ‘relational’ DB scheme. Stored procedures, which are also known as sproc, proc, StoPro, SP or StoredProc, are retained in the data dictionary of your database.

Typical uses for stored procedures include data authentication, which is incorporated into the DB or get access to command mechanisms. Besides, stored procedures are utilized to consolidate and centralize logic, which was initially applied in the applications. Widespread or complex processing, which needs implementation of...

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SQL, How To Select Columns, Rows And Join Tables

Selecting Specific Columns From a Table: SELECT command, used to retrieve information from the database, allows you to select the columns to be including in a query. A query is a request for information, and one of the most common DB operations. Queries are performed by the SELECT command. A SELECT command must have at least two clauses; the first one is SELECT (the columns to retrieve) and second is FROM (the tables which contains those columns). You may place the clauses on the same line or on separate lines but...

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Software as a Service (SaaS) and Its Usage

Basically there are four layers in the model of cloud computing:
  1. Business Process as a Service
  2. Software as a Service
  3. Platform as a Service
  4. Infrastructure as a Service

In this article we are going to discuss Software as a Service (SaaS) layer of cloud computing model. Software as a Service i.e. SaaS actually refers to the situation where the service provider provides customer the software applications by means of deployment over the internet. Sometimes SaaS is also called software on demand. History: Software as a service actually existed before cloud the...

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Top 50+ Cloud Computing Providers There are a variety of cloud computing providers all across the world that offers different products and services to the IT users. They cover every walk of life to provide more ease to the network administrators to manage things and to make processes swifter than ever. If we go back to the history, we’ll get to know that people were unable to even think of this great change that it may happen somewhere in future. All credit goes to the mighty technology that has brought revolutionary changes to the world of IT and the humanity started...

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Skype Now Becoming Layman’s Application

Introduction Skype is gaining popularity at such a rapid rate that most Internet users are already familiar with this application. It is an online communication software, which allows text chatting  and audio conferencing as well as video calls. Skype is actually a VOIP service which can be used to make calls to another person’s computer or to their land lines. There are many reasons for its popularity:  free registration, no monthly fees, free computer-to-computer calls as well as cheap rates for landline calls, ease of use, etc.  Even someone with no or very little technical knowledge...

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Microsoft Active Directory Universal, Global and Local Security and Distribution Groups

When we conceive a new assembly in Microsoft Active Directory, we should choose an assembly type. Two of the assembly kinds are described as follows: 1. Security Groups in Active Directory: Such assemblies permit us to organize client and PC to get access to distributed resources. We can also command who obtains assembly principle settings. It makes management easy by allowing us to establish permissions one time on many PCs, then to change the members of assembly as required. The alteration in assembly members mechanically affects all over. We can...

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