Comprehending Google, Yahoo and Bing – Search Mechanisms
Internet has brought a revolutionary change in everyone’s life since it was applied. People have been searching for information, news, entertainment and other stuff in books, newspapers, journals and manuscripts, which was pretty much time-consuming. Sometimes, it would have taken more than a month to locate the stuff you desired. But fortunately, with the arrival of new media into the field, the things have changed dramatically.Scriptomatic - The Tool for WMI Scripting Solutions
Scriptomatic is an easy to use HTA (HTMA Application) capable of handling all the basic functions of WMI script writing with flexibility to address different scripting languages and ability to produce a variety of output formats. This tool can write scripts in Perl, Python and Jscript in addition to VB Script and save the data as plain-text or a standalone web page, or an XML. Its powerful tools can handle arrays and convert the scripted data into more readable formats. The scripts thus created can be read on multiple machines. Repetitive tasks... Read moreOSI LAYER MODEL
Initially Open System Interconnection was designed by International Organization of Standardization to make a framework on which to build suite of Open System Interconnection protocol. Vision was that OSI layer model protocol would be used to develop an international network that will not be dependent on the proprietary system. As a reference model Open System Interconnection (OSI) model provides such an extensive list of functions and services that can occur at each layer. It also describes how each layer will interact with each other below or above. OSI layer model is based on seven layers. Each layer performs... Read moreWhat You Need To Know In Creating A Website
Creating a website may sound like an intricate work reserved only for computer wizard. Surprisingly it isn't. Building a website of your own is easier than you may think. The following tips and steps will enable you to create your personal website in less than an hour! Create your web pages first. Mostly, you can do it in two ways:- Offline. Craft your webpage in any text or word processing document. Make sure that you save your document as a "text", "plain text" or "text only" document in order for it... Read more
Database Types
Database Definition: A Database is an organized collection of information. An ORACLE database consists of tables, views, queries, and reports that are based on the tables. In an ORACLE database, you enter information you might otherwise put in a list, table, or forms. The entries information may be words, number, dates, or pieces of text. Thus, you can use an ORACLE database for organizing.- Mailing lists
- Customer, client and supplier lists
- Personal information
- Inventories
- Accounts
- Payable and receivable
- A variety of other information