
Hey guys I am using Graphic Cutting Plotter Controller CE5000-60 running in windows XP.

I don’t know why I got this error. I have to computer running the same with xp. When I attempt to cut to computer 1 there’s no error, but when I tried it to another computer which has also this program this error occurred.

Why this error occurred?

Graphtec Cutting Plotter Controller

Auto registration mark reading has failed.

Confirm that the Distance Between Registration Marks set is correct.

Confirm that the Auto Registration Mark pattern set is correct. [code = 1102]


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             I used aspersoft iReports most of the time for creating reports especially for charts. In my laptop it works well but when I try it to my desktop computer I encounter this error. How can I have JDK 5.0 on my computer? Thanks.




JDK 5.0 or newer cannot be found on your machine.


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Hello Guys! When I used my inventory scanner I got this error.

Where must the loc32vc0.dll located?

And how can I install it to my computer for me to run my scanner?

Please send me a simple step to configure it.




LDISCN32.EXE – Unable To Locate Component

This application has failed to start because loc32vc0.dll was not found.

Re-installing the application may fix this problem.


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Hello Guys.

I can’t update my flash software, I have macromedia flash installed to my computer and I want to update but I can’t because of this error.

It should be run because my flash works well and no error encounter every time I’m using it except for this one, I want to update my flash please give me solution to make this one.



Error installing Flash Update. Please contact support


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Hello! I have a problem regarding with .net and java scripting creation.

Every time that I start java scripting this message appears (image below).

What can I do to remove this error message?

Please help.


IBM Rational Functional Tester Error

Problem initializing rational IDE




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Hey guys. My friend sent me a file to my email which is our presentation to school.

When I open the file this errors appeared.  How can I get my file?

Is it corrupted?

My friend sent me again the same file but got gain the same error message?

What can I do for it? Thanks.

Please help.


Microsoft Office PowerPoint

Microsoft Office PowerPoint could not open this file or could not parse a file of this type.

Hide Help Open in Help Window

This message can appear if you attempt to create a hyperlink to a bookmark in a file that does not...

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Hey guys!

I am using Adobe Captivate most of the time specially for creating presentations. But this morning I encounter a problem when converting swf to avi format.  What I wrong? Why this error appears? Is it error to my file that I want to convert? Thanks.



Abode Captivate – untitled.cp

Captivate encountered an error when post-processing the converted presentations.


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Hello Guys. Do I really need to register for the said website to run this one? And if no can you give me a simple step on how to register to that website. Please help me because I am not that technical person. Thanks.



You tried opening window titled Adding Contact and you can’t open because this feature is available only for premium members. To become a premium member login to Also the following features you will not be able to use:




Special Contacts


OK      Cancel

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             Hello technical support guys here. I have a problem regarding to this one. Every day I encounter this error and I don’t know why?

It appears in my computer every day, and I don’t know what the problem is, does someone know what this error is? Please give me a solution on how to get rid of this one. Thanks.




‘-‘ is not a valid integer value.


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Hello people here. I am trying to install MovieBox to my computer for my videos.

Installer that I tried to use was successful installed to my friend’s computer.

But in my computer it ends up with this error. I know my computer specs meet the software requirement.

I don’t know why it's not working in my computer.

Please help me about it.



MovieBox Setup

Extract: error writing to file 00.exe


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