
I/O operations are accomplished through a wide assortment of external device,what does this mean.what is human readable,machine readable and communication with respect to external device?

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I am having an issue running a specific program using a multiple thread mode using TBB. It is so weird and it got me worried because I tried using this program in single thread mode and it works just fine and I encountered no problem. By the way this is the error message that I am getting: “On entry to ZLASCL parameter number 4 had an illegal value”. I appreciate all the help I can get. Thank you!

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I suddenly came across with this error when I tried to copy a video to a DVD using my optical disk drive.



The disc can’t burned, because the device failed to calibrate the laser power level for this media.

Thought I had used a defective DVD so I replaced it with a newer one, but I still got the same error message.  I then tried to read from a DVD and good thing it worked.  So I was left on not being able to burn DVDs which upset me because I had to copy the video about...

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I have a MacBook Pro and just recently, I installed OS X Lion on my device and it worked fine. Few days ago, while I am trying to run Microsoft office, I can hear a chirping sound that is produced by my device and eventually it will just crash. I forced close the program and then after a reboot, it works okay again. After that event, I removed Microsoft Office and re-installed it thinking that I will not be encountering the same issue again but I was wrong. Now I want to know if the issue is with Microsoft...

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Can somebody help me because whenever I turn on my computer these two types of messages shows up, Failed to create the database and on the left corner of this window it says Fax Utility and the system cannot find the file specified.

There is also a message on my left top screen that says, Fax utility, Event Manager Failed to create database.

The system cannot find the file specified.

What are these errors and how can I stop them from appearing on my Windows Vista computer?

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Which are the benefits of glass substrate?

What is the exact Magnetic read and Write Mechanism?

Please briefly explain them.

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I began getting this error message a while ago and then it kept popping up. 

Because a USB deice was drawing too much power from your computer, one or more of your USB devices have been disabled.

To prevent damaging your computer, the USB device drawing too much power has been disabled. Other devices may have also been disabled. When you disconnect the device drawing too much power, your other USB devices will be enabled again.

There were no changes done in my Mac recently and would just use the USB ports normally. 

I used the ports for my...

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A lot of tools are available in finding old users and machine accounts in Active Directory, but I think it is even harder to develop a tool for finding old security groups. I can see that using the tool would make you scan the entire file servers so as you can compile a database of used groups then compare it against Active Directory to see if there are still remaining unused groups. Nonetheless this is still the tool that my company could use. Does anyone know a tool similar to this?

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I have a question,i will give you names of processor and you have to tell me Type and year of introduction?

plus what do you know about Direct mapping?


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I like to implement a user account policy that has administrative rights in our Windows 2003 domain.

Everyone has been changing their passwords for every 3 months as of the present, and I want the Administrators to change their passwords as well every month.

Can I make a distinctive policy for the two account types or do I have to implement a new policy for the Administrators?

And also, do these accounts have to be separate in OU?

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