

I have created Virtual Hard Disk with Microsoft Disk2VHD toll.

On it I have done some backup files, but only on it I have back up files.

When I want to use this Virtual back up error message appears.

Please help, I need to solve this problem it its possible.

Thank you in advance.


Windows Virtual PC

Cannot attach the virtual hard disk to the virtual machine. Check the values provided and try again.


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Hey everyone,

On my system I had some problems with CD devices. Including software (Nero) I have installed DVD-RAM driver and DVD Form. With DVD Form I tried to format DVD disc to UDF file system, but it failed and I got an error message.

New hardware is Samsung DVD writes. OS Windows XP SP2. If anyone had a problem like this please help.

Any suggestion/ device is more than welcome.



Cannot format this disc.

Confirm disk and try formatting again.


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For a few days I got irritating error message. I don’t know how to fix it or where is the core of the problem. It all start a few days ago when I have installed an illegal version of a game and I can’t start it without errors. Now game is uninstalled and removed from the system. But the problem is still here?

How can I fix this? OS Windows XP SP2

Thank you


Winmine.exe – Bad Image

The application or DLL C:WINDOWSsystem32comdig3232.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette.


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Hi everyone,

On my laptop I have installed VirtualDub and VobSub. Currently I am using Windows 7 home 32bit.

This is the first time that I got this error. I don’t know what is wrong, but every time when I try to load textsub filter from virtualDub error message shows.

Please help, is there any way that I can fix this issue?



VirtualDub Error

Cannot load plugin module “C:UsersPaulDesktopNew folder (6)Subtitler.vdf”: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.


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In last couple of days whenever I want to copy DVD I got error message.
Till then I didn’t had any problem with DVD Decrypter. The only process I can finish successfully is the burn process.
On my computer I got Windows Vista. Did anyone had this kind of problem?
I don’t know how to fix this.
Thank you.

DVD Decrypter- Failed to set data for ‘DVDDecrypterPlayDVDMovieOnArrival’

DVD Decrypter

Failed to set data for ‘DVDDecrypterPlayDVDMovieOnArrival’

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Dear all, For a while now I am using AutoGK. As you will notice I am newbie user of this program. A few days ago I’ve updated to the new version 2.45 (I think). After it I got error messages when I want to start application and when I want to exit. So I have decided to: uninstall everything and install previous version. My OS Windows XP SP2, divx 6.1.1, XviD-1.1.0. If anyone know what is the problem for new version please help. Thank you Nita

Application Error

Exception EConvertError in module...

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Hey everyone,

I am not shore what is the problem and any suggestion is more than welcome. When I want to open Word document from my account I got error message.

I didn’t get any error message when I open it on my laptop (Windows Vista OS) The only thing I’ve changed on my system is installing Windows 7 pro.

Thank you


Microsoft Word Web App

Word Web App encountered an unexpected error.



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This is the first time that I got this type of the error message. Now I am just confused. Usually I use skype on my mobile phone and now I got in on my computer. OS Windows XP.

Today when I logged on an error message appear. Can someone please tell me what this mean and how can it be fix it?

Thank you


SkypeTM – jens.polster

Abstract Error.


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I have installed Windows 7 on my new HDD and install all programs that I need. One of them is Skype. I never had problem with it. I got connected with my friend to test it everything is ok. Yesterday I got error message. Did anyone had this problem? How can I fix it?

Thank you


AutoIt Error

Line 8 (File “E:Program FilesChatSkypePhonetest.au3”):



Error: The requested action with this object has failed.


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Dear all,

On my computer I have installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. My system is running on Windows 7 32bit, but I haven’t installed any updates yet. Now whenever I want to run MVS error message pop up.

Can someone please help me with this?

Thank you


Microsoft Visual Studio

The Application Data folder for Visual Studio could not be created.


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