
I have to write some CDs. But I have only DVD player in my PC.

Is it possible to turn cd reader into a writer without changing the device?

Can you please help me to find out a way?

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I want to set up MMS in MDA by using cab file. So I need a software of file cab mda? I have downloaded on my own. But these are not registered version.  I want a registered version.

Can any one please help me to find a registered version software of file cab mda?

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I want to scan some Remote IP UDP port. Is it possible to check remote IPS UDP port via php script. What will be the script? Does it clash with other scripts? 
Can anyone please explain me How can I find an udp port scanner php script? 

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I have changed my residence. In the previous place, I used to get 3g freeware signals. But now I am unable to get a 3g freeware signal. Connections are available but I have failed to connect it. Is it a regional or zip code problem?

Can you please tell me How can I get market 3gs freeware signal?

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I have made some fabrication drawing in a format of 11*17 PDF file. Now I have to convert it into a MAC CAD. How can I convert pdf to mac cad? Do I need an additional software? Please explain me in detail.

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I am using Lenovo g580. I used to use it on windows starter. Now I want to connect it with a Wifi connection. Is it possible to connect lenovo function keys audio with a Wifi connection?

Can you please explain me how can I connect Lenovo function keys with Wifi?

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I have downloaded most of my movies songs and soft wares from a windows FTP server which is provided by my internet connection provider. Recently I have bought a iPad.

And I am unable to use the same server. 

My internet connection provider is also unable to provide an FTP server for iPad.

Can you please help me to find an iPad FTP server?

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Hi techyv,

How to find the option 3G edge?

I have to turn on the 3G option in my iPhone 4s mobile device.

I think this 3G feature is available in iPhone 4s right?

I also have to know the difference between the android 3G and IOS 3G.

Hoping for your help.


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Hello fellows,

What is the compatibility or chrome OS equivalent?

I have to ask if the Windows and Mac OS are capable of handling Google Chrome internet browser.

If I install Google Chrome on my Windows 7 starter OS would it be a problem free environment?

Your suggestions will be much appreciated.


Jeremy Jack.

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I am facing problem with my hard disk drive in my laptop. I want to break by hard disks partition and set up a new partition. I need the best HDD repair software to setup a partition.

Can you please tell me Where can I find best HDD repair software?

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