
What is a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)?, what is the purpose of MAN?

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Hello fellows,

What is all about ubuntu Skype flips video? My current operating system was Ubuntu, I would like to ask about flipping videos or changing video position during Skype video chat conversations. Do we need software to make this done or there is a built in setting that needs to be discovered?


Charles Marry.

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What is Local Area Network in CCNA? What are the downsides and upsides of LAN?

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Hi guys,

Teach me how to connect lotus notes to MySQL. I want to do some technical issue experiments like connecting one application to another and see how it works. To all experts out there, would you love to explain and discuss with me about the possibility of connecting lotus notes application with MySQL server database system? What would be the possible use and effect?

Expecting some help, thank you.

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What is wireless LAN and what are the components of wireless LAN?

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Hello techyv,

How to create analog clock for after effect? I just installed an Adobe After Effects software application in my Windows 7 Os, as I scan and explore all the features I realized that it takes time and dedication before you can familiarize and master it all. I need to study those features for me to be able to create analog clock using the application. Can you give me some ways to learn easier?

Expecting some help from you guys. Thank you.

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Hi to everyone,

A few question about duel masters games mmo. Can we possibly play duel masters games mmo in our mobile phone devices with an Android Os? I am using my latest Samsung Galaxy S III, is there a possibility that I can play those duel masters games? And what are the disadvantages and advantages of the game when applied in a mobile device?

Your suggestion is very much welcome.

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What is a periodic and non periodic signal in data communications?

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I want to know, what are analog data and digital data?

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A software that will allow recovery corrupted tar. The USB flash drive was corrupted together with mine .Tar files. Is there a way that we can recover those files; I haven’t formatted the USB flash drives yet.

When I open the flash drive the files are gone maybe the virus deleted or hide those files. I need your help.

Waiting for your support, thank you.

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