
What are the procedures to follow to upload my picture to my Facebook account via MMS? Is it possible and where do I start from? I would wish to get the simplest way to go about it in other to help my kid brother who is a beginner in computer literacy. My name is Sandra. I am 15 years of age.

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I have a website written in HTML and PHP with Mysql backend. I need to move this website from WordPress to Joomla but I do not know how to go about this. What I want to know is what is best way to carry out this task without disrupting the codes? Can it be done?

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I need help to design a responsive website. I want to know how you go about doing this task. What codes do I have to include if I am using HTML? How is this feature integrated into a website designed in PHP? Can you point me to the relevant references I need to consult to do this within a few hours?

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Can you point me to a powerful tutorial for jquery? I mean a tutorial that is easy to understand and apply and get instant results? What are some best practices a programmer can adopt when developing website with jquery? What pitfall does a programmer has to look out for to ensure a smooth project execution when deploying jquery? Which common bugs do I have to take note of? How do you effectively debug codes having snippets of jquery lines? Which software will I have to use for the debugging process?

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Please explain the main purpose for developing the jquery line of software. I mean why was jquery developed? Is jquery commonly used in website source codes? What are the advantages of using jquery? How is jquery meant to help the programmer design codes? In which area of code development is jquery most helpful?

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Elaborate and advise on how to install LAPACK equation-solving software on a windows machine. Could you provide the steps I need to take in order to install this application successfully? What kind of file-download will provide an effective means to install this software? Should I download the self-extracting file or a zip file will be equally effective? If I download a zip file, how would I install it successfully?

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Please provide some insight into the technology behind vector processors. Could you help me to understand how this technological feat was achieved? How does the vector processor process information and how different is this from conventional processors like the CPU? Are there laptops out there with vector processors and if there are any, where can I get one to buy?

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Could anyone who has used github tell me about the pros and cons of using github? What did you like about github? How did github help you execute your projects efficiently and on time? What did you not like about github with regards to the services that they provided to you? Would you recommend github to people who like to code for personal or business reasons?

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So where do I start? How do I begin to use github? I would like some experience user of github to help me understand the inner working of this website? Is it true that github is secure enough to conduct private computing projects without any violation of intellectual property? How can I know that my codes are protected from getting damaged, stolen, or modified without my consent?

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Could somebody help me to understand how github works? I would like to know more about github, how it can help you accomplish tasks and make the most of all of its resources. Where do you go to obtain extra information within the github community? Why do people use github at all? What other alternatives exist?

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