How do I attach my digital signature to my email account so that all the mail I send would bear my signature? I have tried all what I know to show my signature at the bottom of the mail I sent, but I haven’t got how to do professionally. The last time I tried, the signature looked like an attachment which is not how I want it to be because other peoples who send their signature with an email to me look unique.
Read moreHow do I stop Google drive from uploading anytime I connect to the internet? The Google drive I install on my laptop has turned into a menace anytime I connect to the internet. It is always uploading files, even when there is no new file in the Google drive folder. I have tried all I could to the extent of removing all the file in the Google drive folder, yet it is still uploading.
Read moreHow do I bind datetimepicker to Microsoft access 2013 database? the splash form, admin login form, main dashboard form has been created, Also, the Add new student form , DateTimePicker, combo box on the form and all the text boxes was successfully made. The problem now lies in How to bind the DateTimePicker and Combo box to the Access database. Also, How do I create the report form with all its features intact?
Read moreHow do I start programming in Matlab? The new IT manager in our company is a Matlab die hard, almost all its code is in Matlab, but i can only write in C++ language. With many code sent to me daily in Matlab, so I think I need to learn Matlab. Please, is there a converter from Matlab to C++, if not, what option do I have?.
Read moreWhat is the best way of customizing web2py pages? the challenge i have with web2py is in the fact that I cant customize the look and responsiveness of my web2py pages using HTML and PHP. I have downloaded many layouts, but I don’t like most of these downloaded layouts. Also, I don’t know how to design one.
Read moreIs there anything that Ubuntu does or any other Canonical software better than anyone else? For enterprise applications, I don’t really see an uptick in usage as Office is still the far better in productivity and efficiency, and a lot of server solutions using active directory which to me I still think isn’t quite there on Ubuntu. What is the high point of Ubuntu? And how is it compared to Microsoft Office?
Read moreHow do I personalize my launcher? Most of my friends are now using many different launchers and to them, it's an expression of class. Now I want to make my android device the better. Which launcher should I use from Launcher 8, Apex launcher, Go launcher or other launcher available in the market? Also, how do I customize it to my taste?
Read moreWhy has my Wordpress website favicon image always disappeared? I tried to place favicon image to my Wordpress website, but whenever I save the favicon image in Wordpress, but the website is not displaying the image. My friend said I need to use some PHP code, if that is true, what code should I use? And where will I put the code? Thank you.
Read moreWhich kernel should I use? With the recent release of the 3.13 version of the kernel, I have been thinking should I install the new one or stay with the old one that is sometimes not stable. Most of my friends have installed the new version of the kernel and some of them has seen improvement in their AMD hybrid graphic, while some complain of system crashes. Please help!
Read moreHow do I create a Java ME application with color? Please am having a serious challenge in getting a j2me app with color to work, after hours of internet searching, I got information that I can use Lightweight User Interface Toolkit widget, Java ME or Codenameone. which of these three is more efficient? which one was used for the user interface of a java application like Gmap?
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