
How do I install Centos operating system on my Windows machine? What steps must I follow to get the best possible result with no hitches? Are there any particular applications or programs which might affect the installation process? What precaution must I undertake to make sure I have a smooth installation of Centos?

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I would like timely guideline on how to install Ubuntu on my partitioned hard drive. The system unit is predominantly Windows operating system and I hope to partition it and then install a Linux operating system on it alongside the Windows operating system. Please show me the steps I need to take under this situation listed above.

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I would like to know how to defragment my hard-drive. What is the meaning of disk defragmentation? Why is it necessary to undertake this procedure? What will be the consequence of not carrying out a disk defragmentation in the lifetime of a computer? Will there be any performance-related issues that may crop up down the line?

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Have you ever had any issues with software licensing? If you have had some sort of issue in terms of breaching some software license, how did you manage to deal with it? What precautions would you say I should take to ensure I do not fall into the same trap or problem with regards to software licensing?

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What has been your experience so far with cloud computing services? I would like to know if you have had the opportunity to subscribe to Microsoft Azure cloud computing services. What has been your experience of using this service so far? Is it effective at all? Would you recommend this service to someone?

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I have been hearing and seeing a lot about OpenStack cloud computing these days but still haven’t got a clue what it is all about. Could someone assist me to understand this concept and how I can patronize it to benefit my business? Is it expensive to join the OpenStack bandwagon?

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Is it feasible to write a web crawler in Java? I know some web crawlers are written in languages such as PHP but I am not entirely sure you can have one written in Java. So my question is, can you write a web crawler program in Java and have it deployed on the web to search for information? If it is possible, then do you know how efficient such a program written in Java will be?

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I have come across the acronym PaaS in cloud computing. I do not fully understand this terminology and the concept behind it. I would be grateful if you could elaborate further on what PaaS is and how to use this service. Have you any idea what PaaS is capable of achieving in this modern era of clouding computing? How effective have you found PaaS?

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I have come across the acronym SaaS in cloud computing. I do not fully understand this terminology and the concept behind it. I would be grateful if you could elaborate further on what SaaS is and how to use this service. Have you any idea what SaaS is capable of accomplishing? How effective is it?

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Recently, I came across this Nimbus technical computing service somewhere online. According to the Nimbis website, they offer a host of services to the public. What caught my attention was the service relating to supercomputing. What I would like to know is, have you tried any of Nimbis’ service and did you find it reliable and would you recommend their services to anyone?

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