I want to automate certain computations in Microsoft Excel but I do not know how to go about it. I have read a few guidelines but they have not worked to date. I would like someone with experience and expertise in writing macros for Microsoft Excel to help me with some short steps to write a macro and run it successfully in Excel.
Read moreI need specific information or guideline to help me control switch ports. I have read an article which mention this briefly and did not provide any detailed information on how to control switch port. The article only mentioned using firewall to control switch ports. Could someone help me understand this phenomenon by explaining how we can customize firewall to control switch ports?
Read moreI would like an expert in cloud computing or computer science to kindly explain to me what ‘Access Point Supporting Media Streaming” is. How do you use this particular service and of what benefit is it to businesses and individual? How can one subscribe to this service and what is the price like? Is it value for money?
Read moreI would like someone to enlighten me today by explaining the difference between shell programming and shell scripting. Are these similar or there is a major difference? How do I use shell programming and how do I use shell scripting? Which applications require the use of shell programming and which ones need shell scripting?
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I would like a brief technical description of what firewall is. How was this software developed? How does this software function to ward off imminent attack? Could you also elaborate on how to write firewall scripts to enhance my system security? How do I get started and what protocols do I need to follow?
I have a large number of Mysql database tables. I need to move some records around from one table to the other but I do not know how to go about this. Please help me with you expertise to move data from one table to the next. What kind of script should I develop and what specific commands can accomplish this task?
Read moreI have developed a simple website using PHP, HTML and Mysql. What I need to do now is to develop a software that will search the web for specific information and use this to update my webpage. I have learned that web crawlers are candidates to achieve that. I would like some steps needed to develop a simple web crawler to help me achieve my objective. Can I get some to buy and later modify them? How do you modify a web crawler?
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I am thinking of becoming an iPad game developer. I want to know how this can be done in the shortest possible time. Do I need to attend college to get going? Can I learn everything on my own at home? Where do I begin? Which tutorials would recommend for me to start with?
How can I know that someone somewhere has intercepted my email and has read it? Is there a way to find out if my emails are being intercepted and what tools can I use to determine this? What evidence should I look out for to determine whether or not my email has indeed been compromised?
Read moreI have come across firmware a few times whiles reading. I would like to know how you can develop firmware in a practical way. How does knowledge of firmware development impact on one's employability? I would also like to focus on Bluetooth firmware development. Kindly point me to a resourceful website which will assist me learn everything there is to know about Bluetooth firmware development or firmware development in general.
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