
What are some of the best app ever for the blind developed by iPhone app developers? What are some of their unique features of these apps and do these apps too share something in common in terms of features and their user friendly? Among these apps which of them will you recommend as the best two for the blind? Thank you.


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My Huawei e3121 modem shows that error 522 massage, ray Id: 186ff3fa62af0bc3 connection timed out. Now what should I do to fix this problem? I have restarted the network, close all the open applications and start the network again. I have also reinstall the network software of Huawei software again.But it doesn’t work.

Please help me.

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CTRL keys on my Logitech Cordless Internet Pro no longer Function. I have tried using the keyboard on 2 different machines running Windows 7 with the same results.. No CTRL functionality.
Does anyone have anything that can help? Drivers are latest. Runs on AA size batteries. So I don't think the voltage issue.Though I used it after a long time of 50 days... So may be due to moisture some issue is there.. But I opened and clear all.. But the problem is still...

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Hello everyone. How are you?

There are lots of document in my pen drive . But the computer is not able to display it .I have scan it already .
Please tell me how I can recover my document. I am using windows 7.I have used virus scan and also tried in another PC. Infact my pendrive is also ok. What should I do now?


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I am not able to copy anything, also not able to take a screenshot. Screen freezes and system got to hang for a long time.
But if I log in as different user I can do whatever I want.
My account has all administrative privileges.
Please tell me if anyone has this problem before. I got the reason why windows was not copying anything.. Cause I had changed ram setting msconfig. So system has sufficient RAM to boot and...

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Hi everyone,

here is a problem that is teasing me please provide a good solution ....I have "HP Laserjet series 4100PS" it was working great but suddenly in Microsoft excel it can't print, it is shared printer, while in many computers excel sheet can be printed but in few computers it can't please provide me a solution that works. I have checked my networking module. And it is ok.



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When I am copying the files & I start my (vlc & mpc player), then little noise from my speaker like “ex.ttttttrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnngggggggggg” comes out. And also my win 7 loading is very slow. & also my games are hanging on every minute.
Some people told me it was a dust problem. I used updated antivirus and run disk cleaner delete temporary and recent file and logs. Some these problems do not appear when I changed the SATA cable, but some time it also appears even changing the SATA cable.I...

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Hello everyone,

I need a help.I'm experiencing problems with VMware Workstation (10.0.1 build-1379776) under W10 to configure the network device as bridge, it's not signalling when I configure this path. The virtual machines I am testing has Windows 7, Windows XP and CentOS. All of them with the same issue. What should I do to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

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Is wearable technology just hype or is it the discovery of this century? What are some practical applications of wearable technology? Google Glass is expected to sell 21 million units per year by 2018. What is Google Glass? What are the risks posed to an individual’s privacy by the use of Google Glass?


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Big data is one of the upcoming software trends predicted for the coming years .With reference to this please explain what is Big data? On what factors is it characterized? How are major enterprises using Big data to improve their decision making capabilities? In comparison, what is small data? Small data is important for which segment of customers?

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