
Hello, my name is Linda Gyamfi studying sociology at the Polytechnic. Just three days ago I overheard a group of students debating on the new Apple Watch. I heard one student arguing her way out that anyone who would buy an Apple watch would regret to have purchase such gadget. I would like to know what your views on such a statement is and can you buttress your view with factual information and ideologies?

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I would like to understand the concept of the architectural structure of Windows 8 Enterprise 64-bit Edition as you provide me with an in-depth Preview information on this Windows version. What makes the Windows 8 Enterprise 64-bit Edition an extra ordinary software among other operating system? Jeffery Mbia is my name from Cameroon. Thank you.

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What are the distinct features of Windows 8 Pro 64-bit Edition as compared to the features of Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit Edition? What do these softwares share in common from the technical point of view? What can you say has being the level of the technological development from the past to date considering these two Windows Operating System versions?

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Is it possible to run multiple Operating Systems on a single computer? What are the guidelines to follow to install multiple Operating Systems on my computer? I would also like to known how to run virtual machines on Windows 8.1 with Client Hyper-V. What are the full special features of Client Hyper-V while giving a general overview?

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What are the new developments in terms of graphical features, character found in the Ultra Street Fighter IV game for Play Station 4 considering the previous versions of this same game? Which video game can be said to have similar graphical quality features? I have a great interest for video games. Millicent Sam is my name from Nigeria.

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Are there any common features between Nexus 9 and Nexus 10 tablets? What are some of the classic and distinct features of Nexus 9 as compared to Samsung Galaxy Tab S? I would like to know your opinion on something I read not too long ago on the internet concerning Nexus mobile gadgets and I would like to know if the introduction of Nexus 9 as compared to that of Nexus 10 is appreciable on the smartphone world market?

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What are your views on the introduction of Periscope for Android smartphones and tablets by Twitter? What are some of the interesting features surrounding this new streaming app for Android users by twitter? Are there any additional features that cannot be realized in the iPhone Operating System version? Lydia Thompson is the name.

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I would like to have a list of application softwares which can help iPhone users to lay hands on the eBook materials and can also be downloaded for free? I am looking for eBooks which touches on music, sculpture, various forms of drawing, animation for beginners, intermediate and advanced learners which would help me in my studies. I would be glad if you can also give me a fair overview of each of the best five apps for better evaluation and assessment. Thank you.

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What are the latest updates on Mobile Gameboy? How is Mobile Gameboy fairing currently on the game world market? Are there any challenges to consider that you believe the Mobile Gameboy company is facing? Are there any positive stuffs to consider that can increased the interest of consumers to purchase Mobile Gameboy products when done consistently for a couple of years?

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Are there any clear distinction between Angry Birds and Angry Birds Friends regarding graphical qualities, the game structure itself, and so on? I would want to know the more interesting of these two games as compared to other similar games considering the main game mechanics. Evans Johnson Junior. is my name from Nigeria.

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