
I am facing this issue since long back on my HTC Android Mobile. Assume that i have opened a website in Google chrome mobile browser and would like to search for a word in the page which is just open. When I do find on page it returns nothing telling that no matches were found. But in reality the words are present in the page and i can read the word in my own eyes. What is the issue with Google Chrome? How to fix this error from causing me great trouble shortly?

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I am finding a way to reliably restart only mysql service in Ubuntu without harming rest of the processes. I am failing to do so as my command: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop makes not only the terminal to hang but also entire CPU gets struct. The CPU usage shoots to almost 100% and nothing happens thereafter until i forcefully close the application entirely. AM i trying to close the mysql service in a wrong way? Can anybody help me on this restarting issue? Any comments are highly appreciated

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While trying to install Ubuntu, I had no issues. Now I have also installed openVPN for Ubuntu. I have got all the certifications from internet and also successfully prepared the client CONFIG file. But, i am facing problem when I try to open the VPN from the Ubuntu terminal. I am failing to connect to the installed openVPN server. This also happens when I try to open the openVPN as a daemon service. The client is unable to connect and services are failing to run. Where to find logs from daemon start of openVPN?

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I am looking for your kind help in joining multiple columns from different tables into one table.

Table 1:
Ref ColumnA ColumnB
1   C    D
Table 2:
Ref ColumnC ColumnD ColumnE
1   M1   N1   P1
1   M2   N2   P2
Table 3:
Ref ColumnF ColumnG 
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I am setting up Java for my new laptop and currently stuck here. I had success in importing the git. I have also performed the maven build. But, i am facing problem when i run the project i have just created. The error is as follows: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xd0000005) at pc=0x0000000052811d2e, pid=6368, tid=3312. Also, it says that an error log is saved here in the below path. C:UsersVostrogitkpmg-advisoryhs_err_pid6368.log. Can anyone help me in understanding this error? What does this mean and how to rectify it?

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I am new to Python and have started with basic Integrated development environment. I will take three inputs from the user and they will the radius of the circles, number of circles and the color. Finally my job is to choose a suitable background based on the circle color and draw those circle with the radius mentioned and create a image. I am very new to this and if somebody can guide me towards image creating in python, i will be greatly thankful. Also, let me know if other python wrappers are available for the same purpose.

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This is the latest unheard issue I am facing here. I still cannot believe this too can happen on a PC. I have tried updating drivers and have installed all available updates from windows, still the problem persists. My observation is hundred percent right. The PC automatically turns on by itself every Sunday at 11 o clock. I cannot accept this is happening because of a faulty power button because this cannot happen exactly like an alarm at 11 o clock. How to fix this issue? This is related to motherboard or some scheduler. I have found a temporary...

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My sister have got a surface pro 3 and complains that the screen and in fact entire surface 3 freezes. As for as I know this is not related to performance issue because I am strongly believing that i3 core is sufficient for Microsoft word document editing tasks. Is my thoughts have any ground? Why do a surface pro 3 freeze ? Are there any other complaints in the latest surface pro 3? Is it related to any faulty app or driver? How to reset the surface pro 3 when it hangs? Taking to service centre is simply not...

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The error 438 appears some times when I try to run a macro on the excel. The error appears only in one of the document I am working on. I am not doubting on the excel itself because I am not seeing any problem in running macros on other projects Xcel documents. This document which is giving error has about 7 years of heritage and has seen many authors in its life time. I can also blindly proceed with my work ignoring macro but i am interested in solving this so that I can add some value to the...

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I am trying to send text message automatically to another skype client. Is it possible? I would like to format the text such as italics, Bold too. I ant to use Skype is the medium to share data between two PCs. Is it possible to and and receive skype data via external scripts? Does skype allows this? Can I force this on Skype? I would like to also send the emotions in skype too.y application will receive text from the user or reads from a file,then it sends the data to other PC via Skype. Both Skype applications...

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