I have a lot of data that needs to be extracted from some web page. I heard that I can run a PHP scrip and have the data extracted by the script, how fast can this be archived? and where can I get such a script? Do I need to change for the script to work for my data collection?
Read moreI have a linux system that has default fonts, how can I manage to obtain a a font update, I have done this lots of times in windows. Is it possible to import the fonts from a windows system and use it on the linux? Would you need a sudo command to do this? If not so, how can I run such an update?
Read moreI have a windows based system that was affected with a malware. the problem is that the malware has attached itself o a system process and Im unable to stop the process without restarting my system. Is there a way that I can kill the process without tampering with the system process? How can this be achieved?
Read moreI wanted to know how I can change my mac address for my desktop computer. I wanted to list them in my router and give me easy time remembering them with the others. How can this be done? How many times can I change it? Can I change back to the original address in future?
Read moreI have both a Google and a Microsoft based cloud account, I want to able to share my stuff into the Microsoft account from Google, is it possible? How can I transfer the large files without having to download them then upload them? Can I do I direct share like for he Google to Google account?
Read moreHow to you draw scatter graphs in statistics and how would you establish correlation from the scatter graphs? Is it possible to import a graph in excel into SPSS so that you can run analysis? How would this be achieved? What is the best way to input data into SPSS from an excel file?
Read moreI do lots of data entry and I wanted to integrate my IPad such that Im able to edit my data on sheet while Im on the move. is this possible? Is there a spreadsheet software that can integrate this well with the graphs from excel sheet as well? How can I import the excel file onto the Ipad?
Read moreI have a game that is meant for IPhone and I wanted to be able to play it in my android phone, is there a any that I can integrate the application into android? How best can I do this to archive the best working environment without loss in quality of the game?
Read moreI have Photoshop C.C., i had different layers from which there are images, How can I blend the images so that I can remove the sharp edges of the photos? I want to create a canvas of 12 * 24 Inches with a collage of Images and they should look like a scrap of images.
Read moreI have an MPEG Video that was initially recorded in a lower video quality, is it possible to improve on the video quality frame rate? How can this be archived? Does this affect the size of the newly formed video.? I need a better quality of video for the same recording.
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