
I need to send some faxes from my Windows 7 computer and am wondering if there is any internal fax modem for Windows 7 available? Please give the cost-effective solution.

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Hi, I need to buy an internal dvd writer for desktop. Could someone suggest me a few good sources to buy it from? Also specify the specifications.

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I am using a Windows computer and have only one card on my PC. I want to know what are the uses of Intel rapid storage technology drivers? Will it be helpful to me?

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I am using a Windows 10 computer, and need information about Intel r wifi link 5100 agn driver. Is there a good support system available for Windows 10? This is because my wifi adaptor seems to be not working.

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I need to know about the Intel r management engine software? How can I download it? Also, could you please highlight a few features of the software?

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Hi, I am an avid PC gamer and am interested in buying a new graphic card. I am thinking of buying the Intel r HD graphics family and need to know if it runs any games. I am a big fan of call of duty, so if you could provide specific information about it I would appreciate it.

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I need information on how to download an Intel r core tm 2 Duo CPU 7500 LAN driver with some necessary information on what it would cost me.

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Hey, I am facing problem in downloading the Microsoft office home student 2010,it would be good if you provide me the steps to download it.Thank you.

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Hello I was looking out for Microsoft office home student 2013,so can you please notify me what all products are included in it and is there any specification required to install it. Thank You.

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Hi, I do not have a technical background at all. I would like to know how to download Microsoft Office document imaging 2007 for free? Please reply ASAP, Thanks in advance.

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