
If your home has many desktops and devices then assigning each one with an address would be beneficial. If you do it by DHCP the address changes every time it boots. This will annoy while troubleshooting. How to fix IP configuration?

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The full form for SSL is secure sockets layer. It is a product of Netscape. It creates an encrypted connection between the server and visitor. This is done so that your private information is not leaked, and it is received only by the expected receiver. How to fix certificate error?

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How To Find Malware On My Computer To Prevent Your Computer From Infection.

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PayPal is a money sender. It is a safer way to pay online or offline. You just have to link your credit and debit card. Using an email account you can access the feature. how to find my PayPal account number?

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Event files record events in an event log, which can be read in event viewer. The details can be useful for the advanced users at the time of troubleshooting. how to find event log in Windows 7?

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When you want to login on the router’s login page, but have forgotten the IP address, finding the local IP address saves us. It is useful even when we want to assign a static IP to the computer. how to find Cisco router IP address?

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Windows 7 is one of the latest operating systems with several features and improved version of VISTA. It uses a lot of space which might lead to not responding error. How to fix not responding error?

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When you open a web browser, pop-ups arise indicating unwanted advertisement. JavaScript void 0 is an error related to such pop-ups. How to fix JavaScript Void 0?

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IP address is required to change settings of wireless networks. Now-a-days we need to secure our network with a password so that no one can access it and change the settings. How to find IP address of wireless access point?

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Being in IT industry, you might face a situation where you do have a MAC address but want to know about the IP address. How to find device on network by Mac address?

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