Hello friend, Please tell me about the Sysprep location Windows 7? I am currently working on HP notebook and Windows 7 operating system. Thanks in advance for help.
Read moreHi everyone, I have just started to learn programming and a kind of confused in semantic and syntax errors. Please provide me some examples to explain both the types of errors.
Read moreHello experts, Suggest the comparison between Surface pro 3 by Microsoft or Apple MacBook. I’m about to purchase a system for me but I’m confused between the surface pro 3 and MacBook. Please provide the suggestions.
Read moreHi everyone, Please provide me the steps to start Outlook in a safe mode. I’m having certain issues with Outlook, and someone suggested me to work in the safe mode of Outlook.
Read moreHey, I have heard of ‘sticky notes’, but does not know how it works. Anyone having any idea how to use them, please help. Thanks in advance. P.S. I am having Windows 10 operating system, 64 bit.
Read moreHey everyone, was just wondering if there is any shortcut to open task manager, apart from opening it from right-clicking on the taskbar in Windows. Is there any way to start ‘task manager’ from a run?
Read moreHello, I have no idea what is wrong, but the icon “my computer” is no more on my monitor. Could you guys help me out here! How can I make it show “my computer” on the desktop again? Please assist me.
Read moreHey, guys, I am a novice in using MS word, and it’s time consuming every time I move my mouse pointer to the menu bar to perform even simple operations. Can anyone share some shortcuts in Microsoft Word as it would be handier for me? Answer Please.
Read moreHello experts, I am stuck at the acrobat distiller error 183. Not able to create a file when it already exists. I am currently using Windows7.
Read moreHello everyone, I am thinking to switch my laptop to touch screen laptop. Please provide me some Acer touch screen computers model name, price and their few features.
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