
I heard about Teltrac call accounting system. I wish to buy it for my company. Where can I download it and how to install it on all of my devices?

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How can I use Schematron validation in Oracle BPEL?

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I was trying to move a mailbox from an online server to ON-premises server, and a communication error ‘Transient Failure’ occurred. How to get past it?

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How can I use dynamic routing in OSB (Oracle system bus), can somebody tell me what are the steps?

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When I update my database of Skype server by SQL, then it gives an error, ‘Failed to setup database rctxds.’ What should I do?

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I have a CCTV camera, it is written that it’s an RTSP camera, but I don’t know what it means. I read about using as root access for image and video, but it was confusing. Can anybody guide me?

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When I try to open a program, then the application gives the error ‘runtime error 217 at 04FF1249’, what is the solution?

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How to download and install SAKAR m04617 Wi-Fi dongle drivers? I have the hardware, but it asks for drivers when I run it. Please someone guide.

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I was trying to select some information from my database, but the error SBL-SMI-00077 occurred. Why this error and what should I do?

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I am trying to upgrade my database to SAP SBO version 881, but a win32 error occurs, and the update is interrupted by a debugger. If you close the debugger the update is stopped and if you allow it to debug then debugging stops with an unexpected error. How to solve this problem?

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