
What are the top 5 software programming languages? Which language is preferred to start with for beginners? Are these languages all different from each other or any of them are similar? Which language is in demand in today's industry, and why?

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My apps are closing automatically while I'm using it Why does this happen? Does this mean that there is some software issue on my phone? How can I fix this problem? Switching off and on my phone is also not solving this problem.

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What are cookies in the browser, and how it is used? What information does cookie hold and is cookie dangerous? Can I create my cookie and what are the properties of cookie?

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Which web development language is easy for a beginner? If HTML, then what is the difference between HTML and HTML5? What styling language can be used with HTML to make the website look more attractive?

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What is Adobe Photoshop and why it is so popular? I want to crop some part of the image and place it on another image, can this happen with Photoshop? What are the other advantages and other benefits of Photoshop?

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What is Firebase used for and what is firebase in Android? Is firebase a database can I use it for my project to store contents in it? What can be different firebase authentications?

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Why is node.js usually used as the backend, and how is it different from web JavaScript? Can Node.js be used with database also? Is Node.js installation and configuration is easy? Why Node.js is so hyped in today’s world of technology.

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My computer is lagging regularly, and I think so there is malware on my computer. What can I find a solution to this? Is malware dangerous, can it harm the data on my computer?

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Can I use MySQL to store all the contents in the database? Is it easy to perform MySQL commands, and what are the other benefits of using MySQL? How can I make MySQL secure against attackers and keep my data safe?

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How can I create Custom Error message in Excel? I want to keep restrictions.

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