
I have the chain and the board. Strings have the same number of letters as arrays. I have to divide s to create a list that has the same length as each element. s = ‘Python programming language’ arr = [‘lkjhgf’, ‘zx’, ‘qw’, ‘ertyuiopakk’, ‘foacdhlc’] How can I get my expected result?

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I wrote a simple code to compare random array differences and found something that I do not quite understand.I generate 2 tables filled with random numbers. Add differences between random numbers Print the average difference I would have expected the result to be a random number close to 0.5, but in practice it is 0.3333. Why is the array of random numbers set to 0.3 and not to 0.5?

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I'm trying to run the new Canvas Xcode 11 feature, but the canvas is not showing. What am I doing wrong?I just created a new standard project (single-view application), compiled it and activated 'Editor> Editor and Canvas'. I can browse all the files in the project, nothing is displayed. What else do you have to do?

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I updated '' to 28.0.0. However, this resulted in a design error. In my Logcat: Fusion manifest, this error failed. How can I solve this problem?

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If I get a Boolean variable and put its second bit at 1, the variable is evaluated as true and false at the same time. Compile the following code with gcc6.3 with the -g option (gcc-v6.3.0 / linux / RHEL6.0-2016-x86_64 / bin / g ++ -g main.cpp -o mytest_d) and run the executable. File off. You get the following.How can one be true and false at the same time?

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I want to define an effective whole floor function, i. e. A float or double conversion, which truncates to minus infinity. Can you imagine ideas to increase your performance in terms of speed, accuracy or range?

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I need to implement many derived classes with different constant member data. Data processing should be in the base class, but I can not find an elegant way to access the derived data. The following code works, but I do not really like it. The code must be run in a small integrated environment. Therefore, using full or shifted libraries such as Boost is not an option. How can I remove the inheritance related code?

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It's almost a factor two faster than the sum. And since the integrated sum should be about five times faster than manually adding a list (depending on the answer), it means that it is actually ten times faster! Does saving the fact of having to add only one counter for half the values, because the other half is ignored, is enough to take into account this difference?

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If you use the same code, simply change the compiler (from a C compiler to a C ++ compiler) to change the amount of memory allocated. I do not know why and I would like to understand better. So far, the best answer I've received is "probably the I / O streams", which is not very descriptive and puzzles me on the aspect "you do not pay for what you do not use". Can you tell me where I am wrong?

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I am from Python and I am currently learning C ++. I learned a C / C ++ function called memset and found the compile time errors. When I give t in single quotes to print it gives repetitive t’s?

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