I need an STL algorithm that uses a predicate and a collection and returns true if only one member of the collection satisfies the predicate, otherwise returns false.How could I do that with STL algorithms?
Read moreWhy are dynamic mappings or exceptions not recommended in environments subject to high radiation, such as in space or in a nuclear power plant? As for the models, I do not understand why. Can you explain it to me?
Read moreI have tried making an app in swift UI but I wonder whether it will work in my iOS? I am having iOS version 13 and if it works then does it work on version lower than this?
Read moreI was using std::string as a buffer and one of my friend noticed and said there are downsides of using std::string. If this is so then what is the problem in using std::string?
Read moreI was using git bash during my programming. I am tired of writing git before each and every command I want to execute. How can I stop using git before each and every command I wish to execute?
Read moreWorking on Oracles is mostly a piece of cake. But sometimes when you get stuck on something, it can take forever for you to get out of it. Something similar has happened to me. I started getting the ora 20100 temp file creation for FND_FILE failed error on my database. How can I resolve it?
I have been using Oracle for my business for quite some time now. Even though I am not an expert, everything was running smoothly until I started getting the error ora 15041 diskgroup data space exhausted. When I checked I found that the diskgroup did have some free space. Is there a workaround for this error?
I am new to Oracle and I use it every day for my business. Everything is running smoothly and as expected. One day I was doing my normal transactions and the error occurred ora 39170 Schema expression ‘OPS’ does not correspond to any schema. What is this error and how to remove it?
I was upgrading the software using patch. After upgrading, I started receiving the ora 20099 e business suite patch edition does not exist error in the main database. Why is this error occurring? Can this error be solved?
I recently came across the global theme design in Oracle Apex. There are many different components available, but I cannot understand the use cases for some of them. Can you please explain what is the oracle apex collapsible region component in the Oracle Apex Global Theme?
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