Currently, I faced a 502 bad gateway response error. Though it got solved by just refreshing the page, I was wondering why did it occur? Can anyone simplify this for me?
Read moreI had been facing “927 error in Google play store” for two days. I updated the application, still, it’s not working. Help me out!
Read moreI am getting YouTube internal server error while playing video on YouTube. It’s been three or four hours, and the error is not solved. What to do?
Read moreI had been wondering whether we can download YouCam software for Windows 8. If yes, then let me know how to download it for free.
Read moreHi, I had been facing issues while I was trying to login to my Yahoo messenger. I am sure I am using the right password. How can I solve the Yahoo messenger login problem?
Read moreI think the Ubuntu update has got some changes that do not allow us to connect with the xRDP. I want to know how to solve the xRDP error problem connecting with Ubuntu 18.04.2? I am getting the following error as I try to remotely access my Ubuntu.
Read moreQ1 – Hi, can someone help me to fix Xbox backup creator error 339? I have tried many things rather than re-installed my Windows also after searching over the internet, but nothing seems to work. Can anyone help me out? Q2 – I am using 64-bit windows. Please help me!
Read moreMy Xbox 360 was working fine until I started getting Xbox 360 slim open tray error. I will be thankful if anyone can help me solving this out.
Read moreMy Xbox 360 controller Microsoft is not working fine. I searched for it and learned it could be a driver issue. How to install Xbox 360 controller Microsoft driver on windows 10?
Read moreHi, I had been getting wzcsldr2.exe error on startup. I could somehow figure out that it was not a core Windows file and tried to end the process using the task manager. But it stills pop up. Can someone help me out?
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