In education, infographics are one of the few effective ways to get your point across, and this applies to anything from presenting teachings in the classroom to displaying data for your college study, as well as to showing homework and essays.
1. Marc Cuban’s 12 Rules For Startups
The entrepreneur just published an advice-filled infographic featuring billionaire businessman Mark Cuban. The portions of the “12 Rules for Startups” written by Cuban and taken from his book “Sport of Business” are presented in various colors to differentiate between them.

2. Why Women Should Buy Businesses
To encourage female entrepreneurs to make financial investments, broker and business owner Mark Daoust designed the infographic “5 Reasons Women Entrepreneurs Should Consider Buying a Business” for Entrepreneurs. The colorful infographic, which has been extensively shared, includes striking numerical facts portrayed by shaded silhouettes of people.

3. One Cow Describes 8 Business Models
Business Backer, a company that provides funding solutions, came up with an original and amusing way to depict eight different business models by utilizing cows and milk to describe how various interactions are composed of multiple schemes. The original message takes an uninteresting idea and presents it in a way that captures the attention and stimulates the imagination of the readers.

4. 10 Core Principles Of Entrepreneurship
Taskworld created its infographic, titled “10 Core Principles of Entrepreneurship,” intending to provide readers with a wealth of actionable guidance. The infographic is colorfully adorned with various images, and its layout guides the reader’s eyes from the top down.

5. The Exercising Entrepreneur
It has been demonstrated that regular physical activity can improve one’s business acumen; hence, it is not surprising that many of the most successful entrepreneurs also know how to keep themselves in good physical form. In need of some inspiration to begin your very own exercise routine? Take a look at how Richard Branson, the creator of Virgin Media Group, manages to stay in shape by running, lifting weights, swimming, doing yoga, and even kitesurfing.

6. The AI Startup Landscape
The term “artificial intelligence” (AI) is gaining increasing prominence in our day-to-day lives; however, what applications of AI are being explored by startups and established businesses worldwide? This infographic provides an overview of the landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) businesses, including information on where they are located, which AI firms are the most successful, and which AI startups receive the most investment.

7. Top-Funded Tech Startups In Europe
Incredible new businesses don’t just spring up in the United States; they can also be found in other countries. This infographic presents a selection of Europe’s most well-known and financially flourishing companies.

8. Building The Future: Top European Startup Hubs
This infographic presents Barcelona and Catalonia as Europe’s top two startup hotspots. The goal is to break down the startup culture in Europe further. Because of its monochromatic color scheme and its specific design components, this infographic is one of our favorites. The contours of the numbers are understated yet striking, and the design is crisp and visually appealing.

9. Top-Funded Tech Startups In Asia
We’ve included another fantastic infographic sample to understand the startup culture better worldwide. This time around, the regions of Asia are producing the most well-funded IT firms. Do you recognize any of these people?

10. Design Terms You Should Know
In this infographic that Pagemodo created, several helpful definitions relevant to design are provided. For example, the company provided examples of different words that amateur designers need to be familiar with to use tools like Visme to create visual content in the same manner that a professional would.