The 10 Best Mac Programs
Instapaper is one of my all-time favorite applications for the MAC operating system. Thanks to the fast pace of life in this century, no one has the time to read newspaper and magazine articles, even if one has a keen interest in the subject matter.
This application allows MAC users to save articles, news reports and blogs to their MAC in an attractive format so that you can read them when you have time. The best thing is that the software is free.
Office 2011
Microsoft Office 2011 is available to MAC users. All the new features of Office 2011 can be used on the MAC operating system. Furthermore, it is very easy to use: Outlook emails are easy to access because the Outlook feature is the most ingenious and most advanced feature in Office 2011 for MAC users. The latest Microsoft games and Word documents are all available under a single platform for MAC users.

To manage your daily routine and work schedules, MAC users can use the ALARM application. One can add reminders for daily meetings, tasks, assignments and parties, and even the dates of birth of your loved ones. If you are unable to wake up without an alarm, this application can also act as your morning alarm with an in-built snooze function.
MAC users who want to access their Face book and Twitter accounts through a MAC should consider using the Courier application. It is a fun and entertaining application which gives you the option to upload photos and videos, as well as of sharing your comments on friend’ posts on various social networks.
For MAC users who have an interest in music, iTunes is an indispensable application. It contains many features, including storage for your entire music library, your audio/ video collection and you’re TV shows. In short, it’s a storehouse for your entire entertainment collection.
Cyber duck FTP
Cyber duck FTP is a browser for the MAC operating system with a GPL license. It’s an open source application with a user friendly interface which gives the user access to Bonjour, Keychain, Apple Scripts and many other features of MAC OS.
By using this PDF viewer, MAC users can create, edit and delete PDF files. All that you can do with your PDF files on your desktop PC can now be done on a MAC. You can take snapshots, use the highlighting feature, view notes and zoom in and out of the document. It is a very versatile application in which you can also use LATEX.
Yahoo messenger
Yahoo messenger for MAC allows MAC users to access their Yahoo account, as well as other Yahoo features such as chat, conference chat, photo sharing and the web cam facility. One of the features of this application is that MAC users can use video chat with those who don’t use MAC software.
This software, released in 2010, allows MAC users to monitor the battery. To prolong the battery’s life, this application checks the battery’s power and displays it on a user-friendly interface. It manages the timing of recharging your battery and displays notices when your battery is running low.
MAX software is for those who are interested in creating audio or video clips. This application allows you to create audio or video files, perform a format conversion and compress, as well as decompress, audio files. It is efficient and has a high ripper speed, along with 100%% flexibility. You can also add these audio and video files to your iTunes play list.