Open Source Software Advantages
Open Source software is such program that releases its source code to public which enables users to have control of accessing the software’s original design and modify in their own way. Open sourced software holds many benefits than any commercial like:
a. Source code availability and modification right (Users can view and modify the source code as per his / her requirement.)
b. Improve software quality by code modification (Easy to upgrade the usability, functions and procedures with code modification.)
c. Inspect and modify software’s security through source code (You have the full freedom of checking its security robustness, if necessary or if you think to tighten then you have the opportunity to transform the codes and enhance the software’s security.)
d. No per-user based price (Unlike other commercial software, you can install and use in the computers as many as you need in your office or home)
e. No version up-gradation cost (Also you don’t need to pay for version upgrade which is not applicable for commercial software.)

Here is some example of free of cost open sourced windows based software:
1. Ubuntu OS (Operating System) The most popular operating system after Microsoft windows which have both Desktop and Server editions. Though Desktop edition have Graphical User Interface (GUI) by default, Server editionis based on command line.Howeverthere are also options to add GUI manually with Server edition.
2. (Office suite) Is a complete suite of word processing, spreadsheet, presentation maker, Database, Drawing, and many more, which can be an alternative of Microsoft office package for Word, Excel, Power Point and Access. Although it has its own file extension, it can be read and save in Microsoft’s extensions also.
3. (E-Mail Agent) Which refer to the alternative of Microsoft’s Outlook for mailing which holds all the featureslike Outlook, and even more.
4. (Web Browser) Firefox is the most popular web browser ever. Itis also very fast and secure.
5. (Antivirus) The famous antivirus ClamAV (Immunet is the codename of Windows version) is the great antivirus solution for free of charge with cloud technology.
6. (Multimedia Player) VLC Media player which can play almost all video formats including DAT, MPG, AVI, DivX, MP3 and many more.
7. (FTP Software) FileZilla is the complete FTP solution for both Server and Client. It is secure, fast and consistent with other smart features.
To download and install FileZilla 3.5.1 please watch this video for a tutorial:
08. (Telnet & SSH Software) Is the best Telnet and SSH softwarewhich enables system administrators to connect remotely to their Linux based server or PC from windows OS.
09. (PDF Reader) It is the free, secure, and lightweight PDF reader.
10. (Music & Video Player) Miro is the free video and Internet TV player.