It looks interesting with this cool and new invention by the Airbar. Typing the keyboard makes tied, touching the screen will be comfortable to some people and makes them enthusiastic. As some of companies are trying to bring new products which work on the screen touches like Apple, Windows, etc. Here is a new invention from the Airbar to add the touch screen and gesture control to nontouch personal computers. Making awesome right? Yes, it is.

Till now many companies are updating to the new models by adding the touch screens to their new versions, but this company worked and succeeded in bringing a new device to make an existing nontouch device to a touch screen. It’s just giving a touchup to the old device to make it a new and modern one. No need of buying a new device having the touch screen, just buy this device to have such feature.
How does it look like?

The Airbag was just a small and tiny device which consist a sensor and a USB plug-in pin. That’s all this little component makes our device to look modern.
How does It Works?
Making a new one with touch screen depends upon the internal technology, so this Airbar made a device that we want to just plug-in to our device using USB to make it a touch screen device. So, it’s making us enthusiastic to know about its working. Let’s have a look at its tech.

To make a non-touch screen device to a touch screen, this Airbar used the magnets where we have to attach or fix it at the bottom of our personal computer or to a Laptop. Then this magnet will emit an invisible light which falls on the screen of our working device. When we are used to touching the option on the screen, this invisible light will calculate our finger position and makes it work on that action.
Example: If we want to click on the Start button when we touch the start button. The light will calculate the position of our finger and make a nontouch screen device into a touchscreen device.
Fantastic technology, isn’t it? Yes, it is.
It’s very simple and no time will be consumed for installing this device. As we have to install software on our computers to allow the other devices to work like Printers, Camera, etc. It does not need any software to install on our computer. We just need to plug-in into our USB port, that’s all. It will start working automatically. Easy to operate, right? Yes, it was. No need of getting strain and to waste our time in installing this device.
Where can we found it?
The device till now developed only for the Windows devices like Personal Computers and Laptops of the non-touch screen which means it will support only to the Windows devices and for the other systems like MacBook is still on the propose of development according to some sources.
As the technology is developing, everything that we need is available in the Online World. Yes, this device is already in the market, and we can order it in the online Website called Neonode or The Airbag Website.