BitLocker and its standard criteria
Bitlocker and its criteria BitLocker is a disk encryption software. Its function is to secure data by providing encryption for the entire drive. BitLocker is featured only in the latest versions of Microsoft OS such as Windows vista, Windows 7, Windows server 2008, and Windows server 2008 R2 (Ultimate and Enterprise editions).

There are three authentication mechanisms to encrypt:
- Transparent operation mode(where the TPM automates key entry)
- User authentication mode(where the user must manually input a password)
- USB Key Mode
The 1st property explores the capabilities of TPM to give a straight human practice for the user to shoot onto Windows as a pattern. The key used for the saucer cryptography is sealed (encrypted) by the TPM breaking and module exclusive. This will be released to the OS loader encipher if the primeval rush files materialize to be unqualified. This fashion is assailable to a rimy excitement round.
The 2nd style requires the user to provide some certification to the pre-boot surroundings in the shape of a pre-boot PIN. This style is susceptible to boot kit assault.
In the 3rd mode, the user should put a USB device that contains a set-up key to be able to boot the protected OS. This form is also susceptible to boot kit attack.
BitLocker use the Windows structure as recital of its earmark execution makes it dodgy as statesman danger and expects patching on a number of storage. Dead vulnerability was revealed in Windows Vista and in Windows 7. Through this, an offender can enter a machine or a system and foul it with the reference machine.
BitLocker functions by encrypting a plow part. Ideally, it creates a grouping separation and an operative system separation (contains applications, aggregation and Windows). The operative scheme structure testament will be encrypted & the common divider testament will stay unencrypted so that computer can take advantage of it. The TPM device detects any unaccredited modification to the pre-boot surroundings; in addition to the BIOS and creation kicking platter (MBR). If any illegal changes are perceived, the software ask for a feat key on the USB maneuver or an exploit parole entered by aid. BitLocker provides optional key escrow to the active directory in Active Directory surroundings. Scheme update is required to do this work. It’s potential on computers transistorized with TPM. The threats can be removed to protect the usual boot pathway, including the BIOS and boot sector, by configuring a TPM.
In Windows 7, BitLocker includes a wizard-driven equipment that simplifies the design and is launched from the Tray panel. It needs to twist over the TPM support and to revive the system and activate the TPM element in the scheme BIOS.
BitLocker supports Windows Networks. Administrators can set up Windows grouping policies that can apply the use of Bitlocker on extractable media and also encrypt the uphill drives on servers and PCs. This is a respectable way to prevent data existence stolen off a retired repair of IT equipment, fitting in instance the executive mishaps to decently rub or defeat the rigorous thrust.