Cloud Hosting- An Overview
Cloud hosting is quite in the air now days. Some people might be hearing it for the first time but the fact is that the technology is not actually new and has been existed for quite a longer time irrespective of lack of awareness among certain section of people.
Almost everyone today is a part of this cloud hosting due to the fact that they all have used Google at some or the other point of their life and Google actually is amongst the most popular and largest promoters of the whole idea.
Now the question arises that what exactly is this cloud hosting? Basically the cloud hosted websites are operating on large scales on various connected servers throughout. Rather than being limited to one particular server which is mostly found in all traditional hosting services, these websites are known to have access to various servers. As a whole, the whole processing power is unlimited as there is always a scope of addition of new servers and scale up the whole idea.
Cloud hosting offers several benefits from almost every possible angle to its users. The cost efficiency as well as the scalability that it offers is among the most popular benefits that are offered by this service. But as everything holds certain pros and cons so does cloud hosting and the biggest drawback associated with the cloud hosting includes security. It is in fact the most often raised question when it comes to cloud hosting.
Shared Hosting – An Overview
Shared hosting refers to the web hosting services wherein various websites are placed on the same web server that is connected to internet. Each of these website resides on its own partition or place provided on this server in order to keep it quite separate from all the other sites. As far as the hosting services are concerned, this is the most economical or the most affordable option as there are people who go for sharing the overall costs of the maintenance of the server.
Shared hosting services need to include the system administration due to the fact that it is being shared by several users. Thus it seems to be a great advantage for people who do not wish dealing with the overall costs alone. On the other hand it is not much suitable for people requiring extensive software developments apart from what is being provided by these hosting services. Shared hosting is pretty cheaper as compared to all other kinds of hosting. It normally has some usage limits and most of these hosting providers are known for having extensive reliability features in place. There are several shard hosting providers available throughout the world. A larger part of share hosting is driven through the PPC which refers to the pay per click advertising.
Cloud Hosting vs. Shared Hosting
There are several different kinds of web hosting available throughout the world that is used by people on large scales. It is very natural that they might get confused among them. Thus, it is very important that before taking up any of these services, the users try to acquire information about all of them so that their pros and cons can be evaluated in order to make the right decision.
Shared hosting is among the most economical and most commonly used hosting services. As far as the comparison between cloud hosting and shared hosting is concerned, they both have their own unique characteristics and the choice may differ as per the inpidual selection. Shared hosting refers to the placement of multiple websites on the same server which is provided by the hosting provider. But this does not mean at all that the companies sharing a single server have access to each other, in fact the access is highly regulated and controlled with the help of password security. Everyone using this shared hosting service has password controlled interfaces to their websites.
Shared hosting is a very efficient way of using such hosting services till the time one does not possess specific requirements that might increase the traffic largely. For personal use, this kind of service appears to be the best option while on the other hand cloud hosting though seem to operate on the same concept, is entirely different kind of hosting service. It owns greater downwards and upwards scalability. Cloud hosting eliminates the probabilities of limited physical space which is mostly observed with shared hosting. It thus offers a highly scalable and vitalized infrastructure which lets the users avail the benefits of capacities based on the needs.
Dedicated Hosting – An Overview
Dedicated hosting refers to the kind of hosting wherein the client leases the entire server rather than sharing it with anyone. This proves to be quite more flexible as compared to the shared hosting due to the fact that the organizations are provides with complete control over servers and involves the choice of hardware as well as the operating system.
It sometimes offers server administration as add on services. It offers security measures that ensure the safety of the stored data on the servers which seems to be a great benefit of this kind of hosting services. There are certain drawbacks as well which include the fact that most of the providers restrict IRC due to the rogue IRC users that trigger DDoS attacks which might harm the providers by lowering the service quality for all its customers.
Cloud vs. Shared vs. Dedicated Hosting: Which is better?
When it comes to comparing multiple hosting services at a time, it might get really difficult to choose one amongst all as they all offer something unique. Talking of the cloud hosting, it provides a much cheaper, reliable, and scalable architecture that appears costing much lesser towards the maintenance as well as consumption of energy as compared to the traditional dedicated servers.
Cloud hosting though is quite similar to shared hosting but it offers several benefits such as provision of usage of multiple servers for hosting the data. Cloud hosting provides several benefits over the dedicated hosting and the shared hosting. It is not all dependent on the hardware. It offers much increased reliability as compared to other two options. Other great advantages include infinite performance, infinite scalability, and energy as well as resource efficiency. Thus cloud hosting seems to be the best option when it comes to comparison among all available hosting services.