Comparative Study on Oracle and SQL

Oracle History:
Oracle Corp is the leading supplier for S/w products, headquartered in Redwood shores, California, USA. It was founded by Larry Ellison, Bob Miner and Ed Oates in 1977. Now they have 43,000 Employees in 150 countries. Oracle first commercial RDBMS was built in 1979, and it is the first to support the SQL. Oracle is the first S/w company to develop and deploy 100 % Internet-enabled enterprise Software. |
SQL History:
IBM introduced structured Query Language (SQL) as the language to interface with its prototype relational database management system; System R. Oracle Corporation introduced the first commercially available SQL relational database management system in 1979. Today, SQL has become an industry standard, and Oracle Corporation clearly leads the world in RDBMS technology. SQL is used for all types of DB activities by all type of users. The basic SQL commands can be learned in a few hours and even the most advanced commands can be mastered in a few days. |
Oracle (RDBMS):
Oracle is fastest and easiest way to create applications in MS windows. It provides the ability to store and access data. Whether you are experienced or new to windows in programming, Oracle provides you with the complete set of tools to simplify rapid application development. The Oracle refers to the method used to create the graphical user inter face. There is no need to write numerous lines of code to describe the appearance and location of inter face elements. |
SQL (Structure Query Language):
When a user wants to get some information from any DB file, he can issue a query. Structured query language (SQL), pronounced “Sequel”, is the set of commands that all programs and users must use to access data within the Oracle. SQL is a high performance fault tolerant database management system. The database is mostly maintained by SQL language, which is conceded as the heart of the RDBMS. |
Oracle Technology:
Oracle DB structure is divided into two parts, one is called Physical structure (these files define the operating system that make up the DB, each Oracle DB is made by three types of files, data-files, redo logs file-controls file) and the other is called Logical structure (these files define the logical areas of storage like schema, table spaces, segments and extents). |
SQL Technology:
SQL is divided into four parts: DDL (Data Definition Language): Create, Alter, Drop, Rename, Truncate. DML (Data Manipulate Language): Select, Update and Delete, Insert, Into. DCL (Data Control Language): Grant, Revoke TCL (Transaction Control Language): Commit, Rollback. |