In this neoteric era, where everything is inclining to digitalization, such as banking, ticketing, shopping etc. Marketing has also ripened into cybernetic form, which is widely termed as” Digital Marketing.” Digital marketing is the marketing, which has been defined as the promotion of goods and services on a computerized platform, say, on the internet, social networking sites, mobile phones or any other digital media. There are various means and methods through which a company endeavor or try to advertise its products and services through internet. The present the marketing approach is said to be the digitalized approach, as in modern times, every company avail the benefits of modern digital marketing.
Digital marketing is utilized in a number of ways by different companies to benefit their marketing strategies. It also gives a company, the chance to make their customer feel valued and supported by online customer support systems, by various services offered to customers, 24/7. Now a day every business has its well-developed website, through which the company provide information to the world and also gets feedback from their customers. Digital marketing has made it easier to market a product and service by distinctive creative and innovative means and to have a direct contact with the customer. It has also become convenient for the businesses to reach its customer more time saving and commodious. Digital marketing has made the promotion of products and services, just a click away. It has, therefore, proved to be a big advantage for businesses and their brands.
History of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing was first developed in the 1990s. In the years 2000 and 2010s, digital marketing ornamented and came into more practice, all, because of the hype in gadgets which supported digital media. It continued to prosper in the 2012 and 2013s. In the year 2015, a survey report showed that each month Facebook has more than 126 million average users and YouTube had over 97 million users on an average. Digital marketing has gained much popularity over the years and still, it is growing with a rapid increase in companies opting to advocate their products and services through the web. In the recent years, digital marketing was also referred to, web marketing, internet marketing, and online marketing. In the present era, digital marketing is the most commonly used medium to advertise or promote goods and services.
Digital Marketing Techniques

Email marketing-: Email marketing plays a big part in a company’s digital marketing strategies. It is the easiest and effective method of digital marketing. Through email marketing, a company can reach its customers specifically. Email marketing includes mail chimp, which is a great starting point for a new marketer. It also includes market, which has taken email marketing to a giant platform.
Display retargeting -: Display retargeting refers to the method where, when a customer searches for a particular product or service, the advertisements of that particular product or similar to that product “follow the customer around”. It is an effective medium to make a customer remember about the product he/she wished to buy in the past and influencing them to buy that product or service from the site, which displays the retargeting advertisements.
Social media marketing-: Social media is the most popular the concept of the present era. Marketers use various social networking sites as a tool to advertise their products and services. Social media marketing gives them the advantage to reach customers on a large scale, as, in the modern era, most of us or maybe all of us are on some or other social media platform. Some of the common and popularly utilized social networking sites are Facebook, Instagram, twitter etc.

Video hosting sites-: Video hosting sites are a boon to the marketers of a company. Through video hosting, the advertising or promotion of a product becomes more efficient and effective, as, more and number of viewers can see the advertisement of a particular product. The most common video hosting site is youtube, which displays advertisements.

Canva-: The canvas is referred to an internet-based tool, which gives the advantage to create unique images and contents to be posted on the blogs of a website of a particular company. Canva is a free software tool which is used widely to create eye-catching contents for advertising.
Search engine optimization-: Search engine optimization refers to the process used to maximize the number of views and visits on a particular website, by ensuring the fact that the website appears on top of the list of a search engine.
These were some of the digital marketing techniques, no a technique is perfect in itself, rather it is the challenge for a marketer to use these techniques with great efficiency, so that, it proves to be a boon to the company.
Advantages of Digital Marketing

There is the vast number of advantages of internet marketing; some of them are highlighted below:
- Digital marketing makes it easier for a marketer to reach a wide number of customers in less time and advocate its products and services to various potential customers.
- Digital marketing is a boon to various companies, as, it makes it facile to contact customers and get feedback.
- Digital marketing is a time-saving approach to promotion, a customer is only a click away from the advertisement.
- Through digital marketing, an advertisement can be annexed anywhere at any time.
- Digital marketing also makes it feasible to attain measured and results on how successful a particular promotion the technique is, through various methods of evaluating results.
- Digital marketing techniques have a big ground for innovations and creativity.
Limitations of Digital Marketing
As it is rightly said that, every coin has two faces, similarly every aspect has both, pros and cons. There are some limitations of web marketing, too.
- It is highly dependent on the internet, but, in most cases, some of the population does not have access to web or internet and here it becomes a problem for the company to market its products and services to such population.
- Digital marketing can also experience the problem of clutters, as it is highly supported by internet systems.
- Another limitation or we can say, the challenge of digital marketing is competitions because a lot of companies uses same digital marketing strategies.
Digital marketing endures propagating in spite of its various limitations.
Impact on Society

Brands and businesses take much help of digital marketing to communicate with its customer and client. It is still regarded as an advantageous mechanism to promote and advocate their products and services. Digital marketing creates huge platforms for companies to achieve their relevant promotional and marketing objectives. Digital marketing has impacted society to a huge extent. It leads to the modernization of promoting techniques, it resulted in the awareness of digital media and made it easier to reach customers. On the end of a customer, digital marketing proved to be a convenient method of gaining knowledge. At last, digital marketing has impacted and is still impacting both, the businesses and the customers.