Smart phones reaching out several hands, as a source of first experience of internet access especially in the developing nations leave behind the PC as a second alternative. A PC company named Endless has recreated the zeal and excitement about the PC with its customized version of UBUNTU GNOME called Endless OS in the era of smartphones. Endless OS make your access to your PC simple and easy. Previously it was just available for endless PC and endless mini, but now this feature is available for free of cost to download too. Isn’t it exciting!!

What makes it worth create a buzz is the thought of making an easy computing environment for the beginners who are a novice in handling the PC. It has two variant LITE version and a FULL version. The LITE version is just a classic GNOME desktop and 16 GB full version download specially designed for the regular users having internet access or where internet connectivity exists. The FULL version has endless app ecosystem with hundred or pre-installed application for health, entertainment, lifestyle etc. And also includes an office suite, khan academy curricula, and educational games. You can access these pre-loaded apps with any form of internet connections. When it comes to LITE version, it caters to the users having internet connectivity and can get their apps from endless app center while the FULL version is for those having restricted internet access or no internet.
A quick description of both the versions are mentioned
It’s a 2 GB download with a basic pre-installed desktop app that includes a browser, a full office suite that is compatible with Microsoft word and Microsoft excel files, email client , photo support and music player. It supports different languages like English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Arabic, Chinese, and Bahasa. Bengali, Thai, and Vietnamese will be on the lust soon.
100 pre–installed apps as mentioned above that supports English with 16 GB download, Spanish with 13 GB download and Brazilian Portuguese with 10 GB download languages along with basic desktop features of LITE version.
Although it caters to a different target group, simplicity and accessibility are its effort unlike the other desktop Linux distributions which aims to create buzz among tech lovers and developers, will endless OS earn a preference over the chrome OS?
1. User experience: – In a simple way the layout of these two OS differs the way the user manoeuvre the entire thing. Endless OS assuming a user as a novice and hence has a built video walk in through and setting everything default whereas there are some implied exceptions in the chrome OS apart from the workflow being easy and logical.
Considering the offline offerings of endless it seems to be a good option for those who don’t have internet access and still can learn about various subjects from videos from a virtual school like khan academy. The inclusion of Wikipedia even makes it better.
2. Applications: – Endless just has an edge over the chrome, it has better printer support, document scanning applications and oodles of local software application whereas chrome has mostly android application which makes it limited. The default browser of endless “chromium” can install all the extension available in chrome OS.Moreover adding a new functionality is just easy and simple in Endless.
1. It lags behind as it does not have proper data backup facilities, whereas Chrome OS gives a seamless data backup.
2. Chrome OS installation is very handy and also handles updated in a much better way unlike endless installation with broken repositories.
3. It lacks a parental control and a proper working repositories.