Epson is one of the Computer devices (like Printers, images equipment, etc.) manufacturing companies. It was founded by Hisao Yamazaki. Its headquarters is in Suwa, Nagone, Japan. It is one of the companies founded by the Seiko Groups. Some of the equipment designed and manufactured are Laser Printers, Scanning machines, Desktop Computers, Home Theatre Projectors, etc. Epson has approximately 67,600 employees all over the world.
Every partnership leads to a great innovation if the partnership is between two big companies, then the innovation will be really going to boom their reputation. Yes, Now I am talking about the new technology which was developed by the Epson with the partnership of Drone maker DJI. Drone, sound great. Yes, it was. This time Epson with DJI coming into the market with Augmented Reality (AR) Handset.

Drone, which is an old version but what is new technology in it? Of course, the drone is an old technology but this time Epson adding Augmented Reality which means a view of an image or a physical material able to see. So it consists of a Smart Glass where we can able to see the images that had been captured by some Camera.
What is new in it, all can see the images Captured by Camera? Yes, it is but the BT-300 is a smart glass which shows every picture in front of our eyes in original way. The images are captured by the drone which it will fly, and a camera is fixed to it where we can see the virtual images.
In the past, the images captured by the drones are seen on the screens of the Computers or by other sources. This time Smart glass makes to show without any physical screen to connect.
We just want to wear the glasses and be sure about the connection between the drones to the Smart glass.
Before this technology, BT-300 is only limited to the mobile devices where an application is to be installed in our mobile whenever we use the drone the application will be running and shows the images directly on our devices.

The main aim of this technology is to provide safe and secure issues, and due to this, the capability of the drones will be an increase. The application of this technology will be expanded in many areas compared to now.
The advantage of this technology is to provide a clear and live view of the images that being recorded. To make the pilot experience a great feeling. By this technology, the time for equipment setting and the effort using in carrying of the screen or devices will be decreased. According to the sources, this application is going to launch in the market very soon, and it may be high cost.
Let us hope that the technology developed by these two companies will make them reach their goals and make them unique in their work. Appreciate them for their work in enlarging the technical world with new ideas.