Reading minds of people is an interesting technique and everyone hopes for it. To know the opinion on them to other people is remained only for prediction of each people and only a few peoples like psychologists can estimate the mind of the people through their behavior and way of presenting themselves. Earlier many attempts were done in this technology and failed on reaching their appropriate goals. But the hopes are still alive.
So it’s time to the turn of Facebook. Yes, Facebook is trying to develop a new project which can read Brainwaves to communicate the thoughts of the individual people.

According to the sources, Mr. Mark Zucker Berg founder and CEO of the Facebook is trying to start a project reading the brains and can send the thoughts as messages between the users.
Very reputed and one of the top online social networking companies Facebook CEO revealed his dream by saying “One day we will achieve our goal which makes you experience the feelings of the friends whenever they and you want to know.” It’s really amazing and shows what Facebook is trying for its next step of the project.
As many movies like science fiction were showing many scenes which depend on the new technology those did not exist in real life. Facebook looks for those to achieve them. As sources saying that it was going to recruit many people who can work in the field of Neuroimaging and electrophysiological data. This recruitment was to develop the technology for the future. Such technology will help the Facebook users to communicate through their thoughts by sending the messages.
According to some sources, written in their article about the recruiting of the jobs. Ph.D. holder, in Neuroscience, to make the project alive. To convert the technology into a practical work as till now it belongs to only theoretical knowledge. Engineers, who have to work on the audio signal processing and to communicate, compute the future platform. One more Engineer, who are responsible for neuroimaging technologies and to make a realistic world.

To achieve such advanced technology, a knowledge of the brain, its working should be known. One should scan the brain and to research about it how a brain will react to the actions, feelings and way of communication.
To send the thoughts through messages, there should be a device or even a source to feel the brains function, in the past some of the companies were tried by using a medium to sense the brains activities. It was a secret and not yet revealed by the Facebook about the process they are going to use and how the technology is going to achieve.
Till now there is no official announcement about this advanced technology which Facebook is going to achieve. But the changes, recruiting people and announcement of the Facebook about this technology making the people have a look at the Facebook. If really Facebook is going to work on such tech, it will be a new turning point to the advanced technology.