Cars have always been the fastest means of transport from a specific starting point to the desired destination. The humans have witnessed the commendable alterations done to the car, depending on the demands, and the environment in which it needs to be operated. Driving a car has always been a very laborious task regards to traffic, and long distance traveling. Very few individuals enjoy such a driving experience.
For safe driving experience, good skills are required, but as everyone will be occupied with their daily work schedule and lack time to complete their daily work; tend to avoid it, so that they reach their workplaces on time. The daily task may include; breakfast, a cup of coffee, Presentation preparation, etc. Such ignorance may hamper health. The automobile field came up with a solution, and that was the concept of Driverless cars.
The cars are therefore controlled without a human. The machine takes over the entire execution of driving the car. Many sensors mounted on the vehicle, which will be able to detect an obstacle ahead, lane maneuvering techniques, blind spots, traffic ahead, lane discipline, GPS for navigation, satellite information. The car must have a master control system to analyze and execute the necessary tasks after taking the inputs from the sensors. The driver-less car is highly intelligent, highly tested for all possible ideal conditions, and are determined to be safe.

Advantages of unmanned vehicle
1. The employees working regular jobs, and unable to prepare for work on time can easily have their breakfast, arrange for office work, while the car is in autopilot mode.
2. Increase the safety level of the driver by providing extra information to avoid potential accidents.
3. The fuel consumption will be relatively lesser when compared to a usual automobile.
4. The drunk drivers, and the drivers who drive at night will also be alarmed, and reduction in traffic collisions
5. It is calculated that a lot of time is spent by each regarding commuting from place to place. The smart car will reduce the time spent in traveling.
6. Real-time data from the digital maps will help to determine the most logical, time effective route to the destination.
7. The self-parking feature will eliminate the time required by the driver to park the car. The feature also reduces parking space between adjacent automobile. The command to retrieve the vehicle from the parking lot can be sent via an APP provided by the car manufacturer.
8. When the required brake force is not applied by the driver, additional hydraulic pressure which is automatic braking will help in efficient braking of the vehicle.
9. The control of the car is not entirely handed over to the machine. The driver at all times has one hundred percent control of the four-wheeler. The driver at any instant of time can take over the driving.

Disadvantages of unmanned vehicle
1. Which areas features come, high cost. The cars are reckoned to be very expensive.
2. Many drivers will lose their employment.
3. If any slight miscalculation by the sensor occurs, there can be possible mishaps.
4. Cybercriminals can easily hack into the system.