1. Memristor:

Leon Chua, a UC Berkely researcher, founded a theory that there can be a possibility of the fourth component called apart that can measure the flow of the electric current apart from resistors, capacitors, and inductors. In 2008 HP has built such a component called memristor.As the name suggests it implies that it can remember the flow of current passes through it and also can alter the amount of current. It is cheaper than the flash memory. We can replace it with RAM chips as it has remembering capacity even when the computer is turned off ,it can resume working from where it has stopped. Thisone element circuit will lead to low cost and compact devices that fits our pocket and works faster than PC.
Memristor-based computers can work with the changing ranges of the data states in an analog mode that can handle complex tasks rather than just shutting down zeros and ones. It can lead to an introduction of new type of computer that functions beyond the simple function of on and off recognized by today digital processor.
HP aims to bring this technology by 2012.in 2014-2016 it may replace DRAM AND hard disk but can take more than 20 plus years to develop memristor-based analog computers.
2. 32- core CPU from Intel:

Today everyone wants to improve the processing power of their devices that will enable multitasking. Core processors have become the deciding factor in determining the leaders of the CPU market. Gigahertz has no longer a competition everyone just wants a greater core processor. Both Intel and AMD had been working on packing more and more core into single chips. Minimizing the size of the chip are important to fit these cores with limited space. In 2009 Intel started a 32-nanometer processor. Intel came out with a new architecture called Nehalem as Core i7 that features eight cores with the eight core system available by 2009 OR 2010. It has been working to come up with 32 – core CPU.
3. USB 3.0

It is super speed USB that increases the performance by the factor of 10 and processing speed that is equivalent to whole CD-R disc per seconds pushing its maximum throughput of the connector to the extent of a speed of 4.8 gigabits per seconds. It has a slightly different connector and its port are expecting to be backward but would be compatible with current USB ports. It will improve the power efficiency and of the USB devices and will work faster.
4. Gesture-based Remote Control:

Gesture-based remote control is foraying into the consumer electronics. The idea is to deploy a camera similar to laptop’s webcam to observe the user and react to the signal made by hand movements. For example keeping your palm out flat means to stop, shifting your fist to the right side to move the pointer right, etc. Toshiba, a leading company has a product “Qosmio G55 “that supports this technology that recognizes the gestures to control its multimedia playback. There also working to use this technology in their TV VERSION to watch the hand gesture through a small camera attached to the set.