Social media allows people to connect each other by sharing a piece of information like file sharing, video, audio, and ideas. Therefore, social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others play a major role in our daily life. Basically, social media connect people at low cost. Most of the social media networking provides the facility of sending text messages, chatting, e-mails, file sharing, video-chat. Using social media is posing a high privacy risk. Strange people try to get into our account so that account may hack using different hacking sites.
Nowadays, hackers are attacking user’s personal information and directing them to visit harmful sites because of that user’s mobile or computer infected with the virus.Hacking user’s passwords and transferring money to their account. For protecting our personal information from being hacked, we must install antivirus on our mobile phones and computer.

Developing systems which help users to maintain their accounts secure, while signing up for account user’s age verification must be acceptable if their age is below it does not allow to sign up so, it can minimize the fraud. By using Two-factor authentication service, all information we provided will be secure by not sharing with others. It is experiencing with new techniques of security controls, improves the personal information of the user’s being more secure.
Therefore, everyone should be careful while posting our personal information on social media else, we will end up with our account and personal information being hacked. Must use strong passwords which include special symbols, characters, lowercase letters and uppercase letters. Make sure to log out from the account before leaving the social networks.Disabling the geolocation of our social apps. Do not give personal information in social media because it makes hacker to find out our details easily.
Social Media Privacy concerns:
Hacking accounts
Stalking users account
Forcing to turn over passwords
Over 75% of people in the world use social networks, present generation uses Instagram and twitters more than other social networking sites. For professionals, LinkedIn is the most important social network. Badoo is the best online dating sites, many of users are fond of this site. Security issues like identifying theft issues, spam issues, and malware issues. We can expect that social media will divide into wearable that tracks our habits.
Avoid full names when signing up for social media and use your everyday email account when signing up for social media so that it won’t spam with junk mail. Ultimately the best thing to do is properly educate yourself on the user’s agreements before signing up.