The wit astounding success that has broach once again in the history of the heroic era of space exploration by the innovative deed of the young mind of our nation. In this amorphous zone of the internet where folks are fleeing towards name and fame. We are so stuck in this competitive scenario that we are not even brooding over the indecent condition of the society we are leaving behind. In this era of innovation where innovative inventions are taking place day by day.

Our brooding is reforming towards new deeds and wit bewildering concepts. We are becoming more and more precise, conceptual and scientific. In this era of science and technology, a soul enlightening task done by Anang Radar is a student of new galaxy academy and has surprised all by inventing a gadget called Goggle for Blind, G4B for the assisting the visually impaired peoples and making their life easier. The whole nation is stunned by the innovation of Anang and is praising for this brilliant deed.
The gadget G4B is built to help blind people to detect items around it without any physical contact by means of using the principle of ‘echolocation’ is used by bats since we are aware of the inevitable fact that bats do not have eyes, now the question arises how do the bats see? The answer is quite astounding that they see the phenomenon of echolocation, in echolocation they use sound waves and echoes to identify where exactly the object is.
Bata uses the same method to navigate the food for it in the dark. The wit enlightening thought that stuck to an 11 years old creative and scientific mind and he invented gadget G4B and got succeeded in filling lights of lamentations and life of blinds. Being blind is the curse of God but Anang has proved it wrong to the folks by patronising blinds by such a gadget. Anang has participated in a lot of national levels science Fairs this year too on 7th March Anand took part in National Fair and saw this miracle made by him.
Global Youth Action Network (GYAN) and UNICEF were impressed and motivated by the innovative work of genius mind and had decided to assist Among financially and by all sources that he wanted to make an amount of D4B gadget and make it come in market and peoples. The cost of the Gadget G4B is approx. 15,000Rs Anang Radar used to hardly manage such huge amount by his pocket money as he belongs to the middle-class family. G4B is called as the life-altering key for visually impaired folks. Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh inspected G4B personally and is highly impressed by the gadget and is helping to proceed it further to the folks. Anang Tadar has once again proved that
“ One who keeps his face in sunshine has no fear of shadow,
One who is optimistic has no dread of failure,
He moves on and on with the wish he will succeed.”