The Virus, the word enough to bring fear on the faces of the electronic users like computers, Laptops, Mobile phones, etc. virus is extended its features from damaging the goods to the hacking of the devices. Now the whole users are aware of this and trying to away from this devil.
Let us know what this virus will make and how?
The virus is one of the affecting software programs which makes our electronic devices unhealthy and corrupts the whole data files, drives, etc. on our personal computers, laptops, mobile phones, etc. So if an infected device is connected to another healthy one, then this device will be infected, and files will get destroyed automatically. So as the virus is a software program, numbers of antivirus software are evolving in the market daily. This antivirus software is not working well, but I can say that they are trying to keep away the virus from our devices.
The tool is the source that hackers can remotely and access our data without our permission. Coming to the Mac software, the antivirus which the whole purpose of it to protect and keep away the virus from the device but the situation and problem are with the Antivirus software. Yes, the Google researchers find a bug in the Mac software which will affect our devices and it was the key to the hackers to access our computers, mobile phones automatically.
How a bug is entered into the antivirus software?
According to some sources, the answer is technical that the Mac antivirus software makes your system to expose to the malicious interceptions. The Endpoint Antivirus 6 is the software which runs in the Mac Operating Software, and the purpose of installing this antivirus is to protect our systems from the types of virus-like rootkits, worms, etc. but the happening is quite the opposite and making our systems infected. Some sources were believing that this antivirus is developed by the Porn hub malware.
The source of this virus is POCO XML Parser library was the code which included in the Expat XML parser. So this is the code that makes the hackers to access our devices through an HTML code. So the accessing requests from the hackers and granting files are exchanged through this code in the software.

The researchers who found the bug in the antivirus software are Jason Geffner and Jan Bee. These are the person who belongs to the Google researched and found the flaw in the ESET. So Google had given the time to the ESET people to correct the coding and to stop affecting the devices of users through the Mac software.

In the due period, the ESET had found a medicine (software or code) to the virus and updating the Antivirus application. Through this update, the issue is fixed, and the MacOS is now free of harmful software, and no other hackers can access our Mac.
Sometimes it will reflect developers when a thing becomes harm something as the sole purpose is to protect the same thing. As the issue is fixed and hope there will be no more complaints will be with Mac OS.