All of us have accessed internet through a personal computer, laptop, smartphone, smart watches, cameras supporting WI-FI connection, and television. We have exploited the internet via these devices in a 2D fashion, and we have been using this method very comfortably and are quite content with it. We use the internet to communicate with others, shop online for clothing & groceries, get the day to day issues regarding crimes, and also pay our daily bills online. These processes can be much more attractive and interactive. Hence the web developers needed another platform to make internet interface with humans on another level, and led to the development of the 3D Internet, or also known by the name, “Virtual World”.
But why do we need this revolutionized version of the internet? Can this benefit anyone? If so, who are they? The answer is quite simple if you just contemplate for few minutes. The 3D information highway can be an immensely powerful tool for companies to reach their business customers, the employees to interact with their colleagues or co-workers, business firms to communicate with their project venture partners, and also helps the educational institution to educate the students in a more efficient method. This technique has proved to be promisingly effective. Soon, each and every one of us need not go through the hassle of waiting long hours in traffic or be late for the meeting.
The three main factors that help to form a 3D internet are;
1) The quality of how the television brings one into instant involvement with the content broadcasted.
2) Multifaceted part internet.
3) Improving the strength in building a good relationship.
When we view the advantages of virtual reality regarding consumers, the chief concern is to make the individual feel that he is present and performing actions, as if he were physically present in that place. Let’s discuss few examples;
1) A lady wants to shop for a dress and through the 3D internet, can visit the retails store or the complex shopping center. There will be a virtual view of the mall visited. You can walk into the desired store, pick the dress, and check how you may look in it.
2) If you are a gamer, you can be present in the game as a player and can move your body, and perform the actions, rather than just sitting on the couch.
3) If you are an architect, you can design a 3D model of your idea and explain to your clients. This gives the client a clearer view of the details about how the project will look when completed.
4) The museums can make brilliant use of this technology by showcasing holograms of dinosaurs, relevant information, or even use an artificial hologram person to interact.
As there can be numerous benefits from this area of technology, but there is always a downside to everything in this world. People become lethargic and become overweight as the exercise level de-creases, trapped into a whole other reality that is different from the real one, would make people very dependable on the internet than it already is. It’s up to us, as to how we choose to exploit it.